Subject: Wasp's nest Date: Mon, 02 Sep 96 10:31:00 EST My point of tea and cake was, actually, Andrew, a serious one, since there was a certain kind of elite SL woman who, denied a career, poured her creative skills into cookery. While my question may have implied a certain levity, I had no wish to use a quote from someone else without attributing the source. As I have not heard any claims re a prior source, I shall proceed to use it as the title of my paper I also seem to have stirred up quite a wasp's nest over my defence of our Prime Minister, which I do not resile from. (Yes, Cath, Jon, Ned, et al, I am one of many Asian-Australians who want a future for our children and could not see that happening under a Labour Government. Most of us are perplexed by those who wish to ignore the fact that the majority of Australians , yes, Ned, the *majority* voted Coalition and no, I am, in fact, quite advanced in years, and therefore unimpressed by the kind of mediocrity displayed in Government for the past 13 years.) I also apologise for my "vitriol" though I prefer to think of it as pickling vinegar. Re. what the touring Australians may or may not be called by the crowd in SL , I believe verbal abuse of the kind Jon refers to is more likely to be scatological or the ubiquituous reference to female relatives, rather than political slogans. Have you ever stood in a crowd at the Colombo match, Jon ? I assure the shouts, even when the match is played against caucasians, is not political, sorry to deflate your theories, and no, you shouldn't believe all you hear from the media. If we did we may have believed the greatness of Paul 'Placido' Keating. Tina --- from list ---
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