File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 42

Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 12:23:03 +22304808 (WAST)
Subject: Re: your mail and right-wing postcolonialism

Hi Deepa,
I take I take your points (Fri 30th), and would like to try a clarify them:
Yes, it is "odd (and sad)" about what passes on this list, in this line of
discussion,  for counter-politics in an age of  coporate right wing (racist)
dominance. Not really such a novel epoch though.  However, the "personal"
responses you identify in rel. to discussion generated from Cath Styles'
post is not at all [so smoothly, so automatically, so
generally] attributable to "people so well established in their 
 respective disciplines". Of the few people I know personally on this
list, many of them are in very precarious positions as students/teachers
in regard to being "established" in their respective disciplines, and will
continue to be so for many years. This is not out of lack of ability, but
more out of the sort of industrial conditions within academia (and
beyond); conditions which, in the case of Australia, give reason for the
"personal" dimension that has at times accompanied posts along this line. 
Let's not get too nostalgic about recuperating Victorian [the age, not the
State] modes of address though: it's hard to "tolerate" shonky logic,
whatever its politics, but especially when its right. 


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