File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 43

Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 13:04:15 +22304808 (WAST)
Subject: Re: Response to Styles post Andrew's "Faulkian" quote


The majority doesnt "vanish". It never existed in the first place; at
least in a quantifiable way.  The "majority", and especially in the sense
in which Tina deploys the term, is a rhetorical device often used in a
politics of silencing and oppression. The "majority" is something you will
never "talk to on the street": my experience of metropolitan life "on the
street" includes talking to friends, people who mediate commodity
exchanges, but it does not involve talking to crowds who pass me by.  I
notice this as a norm amongst others. The "majority" has a foundation in

How do you think that "[I am] firmly seated in the majority and tina
hiding somewhere  near the exit?" ??  Can you be more specific, perhaps?


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