Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 09:51:29 -1000 Subject: Re: Hate groups on the Net: reply The postings on hate groups and the sexually explicit are interesting. A couple of weeks ago on a Saturday evening in Honolulu, a public access channel (Olelo) began to show the most sexually explicit material, and was accessible to all, bot old and young. It was not so very hateful as much as a borderline testing of free speech in America. The Honolulu community were up in arms about this for several days afterward, and local tv stations carried the usual moralizing from the governor and others. Police are investigating the criminal aspects of it. Are there any specific distinctions to be made between hating and pornography? Are women in general the intended object of "hate politics" of any sexual nature??? Richard Salvador Honolulu, Hi. --- from list ---
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