Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 09:20:19 +0800 (SST) Subject: Re: postcolonial theorising about Indonesia Dear Michael I suppose all postcolonial theorizing on Indonesia should begin with Benedict Anderson's _Imagined Communities_ (perhaps you have this work already in mind) and other works written by him. It is quite often forgotten that Anderson is an Indonesianist, and began his academic career with his studies of Indonesia. I myself made use of Anderson's book in my discussion of the Singaporean novel _The Shrimp People_ by Rex Shelley, which is forthcoming in the collection _Ideas of Home: Literature of Asian Migration_ ed. by Geoffrey Kain. It is indeed an accident of history that Singapore is now not part of Indonesia (or part of the 'imagined community' now known as 'Indonesia'), and this is mentioned in one of the Anderson's footnotes. However, the wide socio-economic gulf which now separates the two countries does not make this accident of history readily evident today. Best regards Ismail S. Talib Dept of English Language & Literature National University of Singapore 10 Kent Ridge Crescent Singapore 119260 Organiser, Online Postcolonial Theory Conference Conference e-mail: <> Associate Editor, World Literature Written in English Home Page: <> Personal e-mail: <> --- from list ---
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