File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 72

Date: Fri, 13 Sep 1996 21:51:08 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Algeria conference

Just caught the request for information about the conference at Cornell -
this is what I have. Hope it helps,

Best Wishes, Liz.

>                         Update on
>                 Algeria in and out of French
>                         (part II)
> A conference on politics and culture in post-colonial Algeria
> Convener: Anne E.Berger
> Rachid Boujedra, writer (Algiers)
> Helene Cixous, writer, professor of literature (Univ. of Paris 8)
> Jacques Derrida, philosopher (EHESS)
> Ferhat, singer, co-founder of the "Mouvement Culturel Berbere"
> Hafid Gafaiti, professor of Francophone literature (Texas Tech Univ.)
> Jean-Pierre Lledo, filmmaker (Algiers/Paris)
> Benamar Mediene, Anthropologist, writer (Universite d'Oran/Aix-en-Provence)
> Lucette Valensi, Historian (EHESS)
> Tassidit Yacine, Anthropologist (EHESS)
> and possibly Omar Carlier, Political Scientist (EHESS), as well as other
> special guests (to be confirmed and announced later).
> And with the participation of Hamida Ait El Hadj (Algiers/Paris), Bernard
> Aresu (Rice Univ.), Mark McKinney (Miami Univ.) and Nancy Wood (Univ. of
> Sussex, GB).
>                         PROPOSED SCHEDULE
> Thursday, 3 October,
>                         Guerlac Room, A.D.White House
> Opening session
>   2:00 - 2:30           Introduction by Anne E.Berger
>                 Algerian Chronicles
>  2:30 - 3: 30           Benamar Mediene, Univ. d'Oran/Aix-en-Provence
>                         Aujourd'hui l'Algerie: crise sociale ou crise du
>                         sens? (in French - copies of written translation
>                         available)
> 3:30 - 3:45     Coffee break
>                         Cornell Cinema, Willard Straight Hall
> 4:00 - 6:30             Projection of 2 films followed by a debate with the
>                         filmmaker Jean-Pierre Lledo (Algiers/Paris)
>                         Chroniques algeriennes, 1993 (52mn)
>                         L'Oasis de la Belle de Mai, 1996 (60mns)
>                         (in French - possibility of simultaneous translation)
> 7:30                    Guerlac Room, A.D.White House,
>                         Reception
> Friday, 4 October
>                         Guerlac Room, A.D White House
>                 Cultural Aporias
> 2:00 - 3:00             Ferhat, Algiers/Tizi-Ouzzout/Paris
>                         La question des langues au Maghreb
>                         (in French- copies of translation may be available)
> 3:00 - 4:00             Tassadit Yacine, EHESS
>                         Femmes berberes entre tradition et modernite
>                         (in French- possibility of simultaneous translation)
> 4:00 - 4:30     Coffee break
>                                 Goldwin Smith Hall, amphi D
>                 Writing from (another language)
> 4:30 - 6:30             Helene Cixous (Paris 8)
>                         Algeriance
>                         (in English)
>                         Jacques Derrida (EHESS)
>                         "My Independence of Algeria": A Little
>                         Negative Theology of the Mother Tongue
>                         (in English)
> Saturday, 5 October
>                         Guerlac Room, A.D.White House
>                 The Double Binds of Francophonia
>                 Literature, Language and Power
> 9:15 - 10:15          Lucette Valensi, EHESS
>                       Social Critique and Francophone Literature in Post-
>                       Colonial Algeria
>                       (in English)
> 10:15 - 11:15          Hafid Gafaiti, Texas Tech Univ.
>                        Literature and Censorship
>                        (in English)
> 11:15 - 11:30    Coffee break
> 11:30 - 12:30           Rachid Boudjedra
>                         Generous Imperialism: The Double Face of
>                         Francophonia
>                      (probably in French - English translation may be
>                         provided)
> 12:30 - 2:30     Lunch
> 2:30 - 5:30              Roundtable with guest speakers, as well as Hamida
>                         Ait El Hadj, Bernard Aresu and other participants,
>                          followed by a debate with the public.
>                         (in English and French; simultaneous translation
>                         provided).
> 5:30                   End of the conference - Reception
>                 Barnes Hall- Auditorium
> 8:00                  Concert of Kabylian songs by Ferhat
>                        Free and open to the public.
> PS : Depending on the final number of participants, an extra session may be
> added on Friday morning, the 4th of October.
>        There will be time for questions after each address.
>                                 LODGING
>         Because Ithaca College is having its 'Parents' Weekend on the same
> dates as the conference, all motels in Ithaca are booked. The following bed
> and breakfast houses have accommodations available as of August 8. These
> are in Cortland or near Cortland, thus about 40 minutes drive to Ithaca.
> Here too accommodations are being booked rapidly. Thus anyone wishing to
> attend the conference should make reservations soon:
> Alice's Dowry                           607-863-3934
> Country View                            607-835-6517
> Duke's Coop                             607-849-6775
> Copper Iris                             607-753-3088
> Quagmire Manor                          607-749-2844
> Manor House                             607-756-2908
> Misty Valley                            607-863-3243
> Woven Waters                            607-656-8672
> Rentals begin at $50 per night.
> The following Cortland motels reported vacancies available as of August 8,
> though about half of the Cortland motels are fully booked:
> 7 Valley Motel                          607-753-1515
> Imperial Motel                          607-753-3383
> Downes Motel                            607-756-2856
> Evergreen Motel                         607-756-5476
> In Whitney Point, a village 30 minutes from Ithaca, the Point Motel also
> has rooms. 1-800-966-4451.
> Prices in these motels begin at $33 per night.
> For people without cars we will have a small number of beds available in
> the houses and apartments of colleagues and graduate students. Please
> communicate with Amy Staples at

     --- from list ---


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