File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 96

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 18:31:17 -0400
Subject: counterhegemonies ouside the perhaps overcircumscribed European colonialisms

Dear pms:

Thanks for mentioning my prickley Rushdie thing. Did you really hate it all
that much? I didn't think it was such a rant, but I am often wrong.

I am ever so sorry that I did not do a "refreshing revaluation of Rushdie's
positionality."   What does positionality mean? Is the usage of this
ding-dong vocab supposed to compensate for some kind of inferority complex
that the British Empire may have imposed on you? 

Long live erudition. Long live "positionality." 

Are you doing cultural studies? Reading Derrida? Wow?

Your letter reminds me of this one that I saw on this list [ my remarks
surround it's "positionality": 

Is the following post serious? 

I mean after the delicious Andrew Ross-Sokal affair can anyone in their
right [or left mind] take the following as an example of a genuinely curious 

"anti-colonial"  intellectual/artist?

Here friends re-read this:

>Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 13:07:48 -0400 (EDT)
>From: simone n clunie <>
>X-Sender: scluni01-AT-solix
>To: postcolonial-info-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
>Subject: postcolonial art theory
>Sender: owner-postcolonial-info-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
>Precedence: bulk
>Reply-To: postcolonial-info-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
>Is there anyone working with or writing any postcolonial art theory?
>I'm an art student working in clay, trying to combine traditional
>handbuilding techniques (West African) and 'modern' firing techniques.
>I am using the form of a water/storage pot, altered, stamped, incised etc.
>One reason for using this form is an attempt at taking the 'pot' through
>the middle passage, emancipation, colonialism/imperialism,
> way of Jamaica, where I was born. Now I live in the
>US and that is another 'displacement' which affects my work. If anyone has
>any ideas, info, suggestions etc., send them to:
>     --- from list ---

This must be a Sokal-Ross type set-up? Tell me it is. Tell me I am not going
mad. I laughed and laughed....finally I said to myself this is the result of
Booooydrilllllyard...and the other French apolitical "intellos."

Is this cultural studies?

Clay anyone?

I copiously apologize to one and all if I have misunderstood this post...I
mean it all could be sincere.

With due respect [or lack of it], 



...So pms: 

With due "positionality" and thanks for "re-centring postcolonial
literatures and, coextensively."


     --- from list ---


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