Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 18:33:37 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Re: Moor's Last Sigh site Hi, I'm writing to say I haven't seem the Rushdie site but did want to put in a little post about having seen Rushdie as part of our NEH Summer seminar. WE went to a talk-reading to hear Rushdie at Oxford and had him sign books. Then the next day at a book signing at Dillons we had the opportunity to say a few words to him. Though I have criticised him in the past in Public Culture, I have to say it was a real pleasure to meet Mr. Rushdie particularly in the light of my diacritics article. Thanks to all on the net who said nice things about that article and to those who interjected interesting comments It was very interesting listeneing to Rushdie read from Moor's Last Sigh. It brought very interesting contextual information to light. Then at a German conference in Heidelberg Terry Eagleton made some very interesting comments-- in general-- about the problems of self-reflexivity in those critics who constantly refer to the context. I'll have to think about all this and write something else. Just thought you all would be intersted in knowsing that Rushdie is accessible now. Feroza --- from list ---
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