File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-10-09.225, message 98

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 20:51:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: in western mass...

the five college programme in peace studies, etc.  is presenting...
A BBC Production

a documentary about crossing boundaries and the politics of nationalism

I remember there being a couple of umassers on the list.. (no 
hampsters?)  so i thought some of you might be interested.. I have the 
whole e-mail if anyone is...  e-mail me personally for more details...  
it looks really interesting...  

-teri (who just got into a sut jhally class! yay...)

btw, we are also trying to start two groups at hampshire (that those of 
you in the 5-college area might be interested in...) one is on 
contemporary british studies...  and the other media studies...

"I lost an important part of my brain, somewhere, somewhere, in a field, 
in Hampshire".  Pulp

"Neil, is it really necessary to nail the plates to the table? What
happens when we want to play Monopoly? Go directly to plate? Do not pass
plate nailed to the table by a stupid hippie?" Vyv, The Young Ones

     --- from list ---


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