File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1996/96-11-06.145, message 157

From: "Ron Charles Elliott" <>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 1996 12:30:18 GMT
Subject: RE: joyce/Rushdie

Well said - thanks for the reference.

Don't get me wrong is was never my intention to suggest that 
the term shouldn't be used, it clearly has an important 
function in grouping together certain types of activities 
and theoretical practices.  I do use the term - albeit with 
some discomfort, which is all that I was originally trying to 
signal.  However it does strike me that at this point in the 
debate a title such as _*The* Post-Colonial Question_ 
somewhat underestimates the extent to which the issues 
surrounding the term can be grouped together as a *single* 
question: a point only emphasised by the diversity of the 
subjects and positions which the collection contains.

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