File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1998/postcolonial.9809, message 104

Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 21:13:47 -0700
Subject: the space between the "split"

One reference is:
Crossroads of Culture : A Study in the Culture of Transience/Pulin K. Garg
and Indira J. Parikh.>quite alien to the
indigenous culture.]
I think this is an important conceptualization and of course requires a
level of reflexivity (as suggested earlier) that Garg seems to have come to
late in his life (he is retired).  I wonder if it is a developmental
insight that comes with age and of course out of an academic life in an
India where the "post colonial" democracy faces enormous pressures to be
*post colonial* with a colonial inertia that must first be understood?
When I was looking at literature about career development of black women
there was also a conceptualiztion that suggested a split of sorts between
"home" "community" and "work" which suggests that they were aware of having
to operate bi-culturally and needed to make some choices about how they
divided up their energies.  I have also heard "spliting" called
"an-emotional" functioning but don't have a reference for that expression.  

I wonder if the "very real space" between the "split" is the "Third Space"????


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