File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1998/postcolonial.9809, message 123

Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 15:43:55 +0500
Subject: Re: the space between the "split"

At 09:13 PM 9/9/98 -0700, Marlene R. Atleo wrote:
>One reference is:
>Crossroads of Culture : A Study in the Culture of Transience/Pulin K. Garg
>and Indira J. Parikh.

Another is : Keynote address by Dr. Pulin K. Garg. In `Proceedings of the
International Conference "Transience and Transitions in Organisations"'.
Edited by Pulin K. Garg and Indira J. Parikh. Vol. 1. 1990, Indian Society
for Individual and Social Development.

This may be available at the same website.

>I think this is an important conceptualization and of course requires a
>level of reflexivity (as suggested earlier) that Garg seems to have come to
>late in his life (he is retired).  I wonder if it is a developmental
>insight that comes with age and of course out of an academic life in an

That may be so in general, but probably not so with Dr. Garg on this
conceptualisation. (I've worked with him for about 15 years very closely).
It's just that he put these ideas down on paper very late. In fact, in
these publications of the nineties, he has missed out on some points he had
been speaking about during the early and mid-eighties. Before his retirement.

Shyamal Gupta
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