Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 10:50:39 +0200 Subject: hi there, i'm the editor of scrutiny2 Dear Postcolonial List editors/members I am the editor of *scrutiny2: issues in english studies in southern africa*, (full title), and I am pleased to see the interest aroused by Lawrence Phillips' essay, which we recently published. In view of the fact that our online version of the journal has not yet progressed beyond the inaugural issue ( I am prepared to send the list the text of Lawrence's article, along with subscription information and a TOC for the most recent issue, which also featured an outstanding essay by Dipesh Chakrabarty, and other interesting work. Let me know in what form you would like the essay and the additional information. Could I join the list, too? Leon de Kock Department of English University of South Africa --- from list ---
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