Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 13:46:40 +0200 Subject: lawrence phillips/ scrutiny2 Dear list members In view of the wide interest expressed in Lawrence Phillips' critique of Homi Bhabha published in *scrutiny2: issues in english studies in southern africa*, which I edit, and the subsequent interest in the journal itself, which has a strong postcolonial slant, the following: I have about 40 to 50 surplus copies of the issue in question, and I am prepared to mail a hard copy of the journal to anyone who sends me a self-addressed, large envelope (the journal is in A4 format). My university, however, cannot afford the postage, and I'm wondering whether anyone out there has any suggestions on how to send a self-franked envelope or prepaid postage across national boundaries. The TOC of this issue (Vol 3 No 1) is as follows: Dipesh Chakrabarty: Minority Histories, Subaltern pasts Lawrence A Phillips: Lost in Space: Siting/Citing the In-Between of Homi K Bhabha's *The Location of Culture* Thomas Olver: Mad Dogs and Englishmen: High Noon for English Studies and the University Michael Titlestad: Aesthetes and Democrats: Reading the Critical Reception of *The Heart in Exile* and Sue Clark's *The False Bay Cycle* Damian Ruth: Footnotes in the Corridors of Power: A Fictional Enquiry in Personal and Institutional Culture Dorian Haarhof: Of Monkeys and Human Memory: Teaching Creative Writing Kate Bowes: Crossing the Bridge, Into the Crucible: Orality's Response to Modernity Stewart Conn: South African Poetry: A Personal View Plus conference reports, poetry and reviews. --- from list ---
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