File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1998/postcolonial.9809, message 149

Subject: Re: PoCo and Technology
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 11:22:23 +0100

I have skimmed the books of Castells who is a sociologist and think they may
be useful to you. He deals with the shrinking of the world due to
information systems and deals also with issues of poco. He is a powerful
mind. I wish you the best with your writing.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Willis <>
To: <>
Date: 16 September 1998 22:53
Subject: PoCo and Technology

:I am a PhD student and I am starting to explore the possibilities of using
:a Post Colonialist lens to examine my field: information systems.
:Can anyone point me to articles/books that have dealt with technology (or,
:even better, information technologies) from this perspective?
:If you respond to me directly, I will make a summary of the suggestions
:available to the list.
:Thanx (that's not a particularly Canadian spelling, by the way) in
:R.A. (Bob) Willis MBA
:Ph.D. Student (MIS)
:Faculty of Management
:University of Calgary
:Calgary Alberta Canada
:     --- from list ---

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