File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1998/postcolonial.9809, message 157

Subject: Re: PoCo and Technology
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 06:14:13 PDT

One among several sources - Richard Heeks' work on the software industry 
in India and in Africa etc. 

He has a website - I'm sure you can find it by searching for Heeks. 
However, depending on how your "postcolonial" lens is curved and shaped, 
you may find his approach a little too.... um ...whatever.

Looking at IS and IT from a poco lens requires a lot of wading through 
and negotiating some very mainstream texts on IS, IT and Development 
Economics (Amartya Sen has some interesting work in relation to 
Development Economics which can perhaps be used too). I would also 
suggest that you look at work that deals with Rhetoric, Culture and 
Science, Rhetoric, Culture and Economics, Rhetoric, Culture and 
Technology to explore notions related to technology-practice vs big-T 
Technology and Information Systems. A poco perspective would also 
include a look at how software/systems design, organizational culture 
and languages structure the use of IS. 

So depending on what you decide is your focus, I would be happy to email 
you some of my biblios .

good luck with your work.


>From: Robert Willis <>
>Subject: PoCo and Technology

>I am a PhD student and I am starting to explore the possibilities of 
>a Post Colonialist lens to examine my field: information systems.
>Can anyone point me to articles/books that have dealt with technology 
>even better, information technologies) from this perspective?
>If you respond to me directly, I will make a summary of the suggestions
>available to the list.
>Thanx (that's not a particularly Canadian spelling, by the way) in
>R.A. (Bob) Willis MBA
>Ph.D. Student (MIS)
>Faculty of Management
>University of Calgary
>Calgary Alberta Canada
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