Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 14:55:01 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Re: Why Throw Americans Out of Middle East... by Taliban while i agree with everything in this post and find the taliban scary i dont believe that u.s. bombings are quite the answer! On Fri, 4 Sep 1998, pons wrote: > > I can't allow the rantings of the Taliban to pass without comment. While I > intensely dislike the Israeli PM and his shocking, criminal policy towards > Palestinians, I don't think the cause of justice is in any way advanced by > the Taliban's hate-mongering. > The article smacks of paranoia ('a deep, well-planned conspiracy against > Islam and the Islamic world'), and is pervaded by an intolerant sense of > superiority (cf. reference to Saudi Arabia's 'superiority over the rest of > the countries of the world') which is quite naturally accompanied by > strident racism (cf. references to 'the cunning and dirty Jews, the bigoted > Christians' and 'the foul-smelling, dirty Kufar' - i.e. Americans). > I don't find the article's moral very inspiring: 'the Jews and the > Christians are your worst and eternal enemies, don't make friends of them=2E' > All of this is a recipe for disaster - for the continuation of hatred and > mindless violence. Is this what the world really needs? > I find what the Taliban are doing (especially to women) deeply repulsive. > Nor does their complicity with terrorists endear them to me. What about all > the innocent victims who were killed and maimed in Nairobi and > Dar-es-Salaam? There can be no justification for the massacre of civilians, > which is condoned by Bin Laden (and presumably by his Taliban friends). > Faced with such acts of war, the US had no choice but to retaliate. Not > very pretty, to be sure, but what else can be done when you're dealing with > people who regard Westerners as 'eternal enemies' ? Grin and bear it? > The Taliban's own fanaticism will be their undoing in the end - and, > especially for the sake of Afghan women, I hope that end is not too far awayProf. Xavier Pons > Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail (France) > > > > --- from list --- > --- from list ---
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