File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1998/postcolonial.9809, message 165

Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 16:19:22 +1000
Subject: Idea Media Multimedia Art Asia Pacific Think Tank

Any one wanting more information on the following just e-mail (,au ) me and i will send it direct.

people in Brisbane Australia this friday from 10am to 4pm and interested in
atending a think tank exploring developments in multimedia art in the Asia
Pacific Region, can attend at the Queensland Art Gallery.  While you are
there you can also check out the online exhibition shown at the gallery and
held on the web at ( the exhibition features the works of
artists from throughout the asia pacific region. 

The Idea Media Australia Asia Pacific Think Tank is not a conference in the
full-blown, formal sense of that event. It does not pretend to any
definitive authority on the topic of multimedia art and arts infrastructure
in the Asia Pacific. It is more an in-industry gathering of people, coming
together to share their experiences in the region and think tanking
strategies for future development, directions, and networks.

Invited Speakers 
Amanda McDonald Crowley, Linda Wallace, Sam De Silva,
Paul Brown, Beth Jackson, Lehan Ramsay, Rhana Davenport (two speakers to be


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