Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 11:58:02 +0900 Subject: Cultural Studies/Postcoloniality conference Cultural Studies Association of Australia Conference Post coloniality/Cultural Studies: Representing Difference Adelaide, 4-6 December, 1998 The 1998 CSAA annual conference investigates contemporary issues and debates within postcolonial theory and practice as they intersect with cultural theory and practice. Papers will address questions of cultural identity and difference, indigeneity, multiculturalism, gender and sexuality, cultural appropriation, nationalism, globalisation and Indian, African and Asian diasporas as well as postcolonial geographies, architectures and spaces. Specific sites of investigation include the museum, material culture, the media, historiography, art, music and literary practices, educational pedagogies, cultural tourism, the law and politics. The conference committee welcomes papers which address current research at the intersections of postcoloniality and cultural studies. Themes include: Cultural appropriation and representation Indigenous cultural practices and interventions The performance of culture Transforming geographies Visualising diaspora Material culture and social identities Constructed landscapes of difference Educational politics, cultural work and postcoloniality Keynote Speakers: Ien Ang, Professor of Cultural Studies, Director, Research Centre for Intercommunal Studies, University of Western Sydney--Nepean. Topic: Identity Blues Margo Neale, curator, indigenous Australian art, Queensland Art Gallery, and curator of the major international Emily Kame Kngwarreye retrospective exhibition. Topic: Curating between Cultures Roslyn Poignant London-based anthropologist and curator of the Australian exhibition "Captive Lives: Looking for Tambo and His Companions". Topic: Captured Aboriginal Lives: From P.T.Barnum to the Present Sunday Times Venue: Centennial Building, City East Campus of the University of South Australia, Adelaide Convenors: Kay Schaffer, Adelaide University, Donald Pate, Flinders University, Vicki Crowley, UniSA, Call for Papers: Submit via email the title of paper and an abstract of maximum 200. In a separate section, indicate title of paper, name(s) of author(s) and (for each author) contact address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. Papers will be eligible for selection for publishing in the CSAA journal, Continuum Final date for submission of abstracts: Friday October 9, 1998 Send proposals to: Dr Heather Kerr, c/- English Department, University of Adelaide The conference is jointly hosted by the University of Adelaide, Flinders University and the University of South Australia Updated information, including registration and accommodation details, can be found on the following webpages: Faculty of Arts, Adelaide University: CSAA: Assoc. Prof. Kay Schaffer Dept. of Social Inquiry/Women's Studies University of Adelaide Adelaide, S.A. Australia 5005 ph: +61 (0)8 8303 3675 FAX: +61 (0)8 8303 3345 --- from list ---
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