File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1998/postcolonial.9809, message 190

Subject: Books for review - INTERVENTIONS
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 00:08:03 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Dear list members, 

I am the North American Reviews Editor of _Interventions: 
The International Journal of Postcolonial Studies_. I have 
the following fine (no critical judgment intended) books 
for review:

1. Rey Chow, _Ethics After Idealism: 
Theory-Culture-Ethnicity-Reading_ (Indiana, 1998). 235 pp.

2. Sandra Harding, _Is Science Multi-Cultural?: 
Postcolonialisms, Feminisms and Epistemologies_ (Indiana, 
1998). 242 pp.

3. Meaghan Morris, _Too Soon Too Late: History in Popular 
Culture_ (Indiana, 1998). 310 pp.

4. E. San Juan, Jr., _Beyond Postcolonial Theory_ (St. 
Martin's, 1998). 325 pp.

The time frame for producing completed reviews is 6 weeks 
from receipt of review copy. If you are interested, please 
email me for further details:

Teju Olaniyan
University of Virginia

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