File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1998/postcolonial.9809, message 194

Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 18:35:00 +0500
Subject: Re: Edward W. Said: The president and the baseball player  (fwd)

Wonder why "the sociability' of the issue is over blown here; American
President does not give in his whole person to the oath. Or, we ready to
extend this 'social' property to the telephone company that may well have
concieved their new commercial as yet, showing both the models: "Work and Life
go together."

Said's comments about the essence of America as being 'the most religious and
ideological country on earth" need our attention. When citizenship is driven
by certain moral assumptions despite their acclaimed excluion from the policy
and denial of without-rationality-matters will intensify the split between the
social and the private. Who would endure the loss of enlightenment, going in
one blow!


> i have to beg to differ about your opinion regarding this matter. i'm
> strongly in favor of women's rights etc. however, this matter although
> quite stupid is still a private matter in my opinion. now you may disagree
> and that's fine.
> but let's not equate this to women's humiliation, powerful man--weak
> intern stuff. monica sought influence (stupidly) and clinton sought
> gratification (absurdly).
> lets not read more into it than that.
>      --- from list ---

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