File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1998/postcolonial.9809, message 201

Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 09:38:33 +0500
Subject: Re: Clinton, monica and laden.

At 04:29 PM 9/22/98 +1000, Saeed Ur-Rehman wrote:
>Now Clinton should convert to Islam and marry Monica Lewinsky because
>Islam says if your first wife does not mind you can marry upto three more
>women and Hillary does not mind at all. If Clinton becomes a Muslim, he
>can also befriend Osama bin Laden and America will become a truly
>multicultral society. It will end global terrorism and begin a global
>jihad against obcenity of the American media. Allah allah tay khair salah.
Interesting and funny.  But given the system of checks and balances as it
obtains in the USA, and its implications for Clinton's own leverage within
congress, the majority of the republicans and democrats would have to become
muslims as well, for your plan to even look like it could work.


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