File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1998/postcolonial.9809, message 4

Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 09:42:35 +1000
Subject: Re: Why Throw Americans Out of Middle East... by Taliban

At the risk of being branded pro-American and pro-Jew and pro-Christian, I
want to make a few comments to the post by Taliban. Please pardon my lack
of appropriate jargon.

I agree that "the postcolonial is about attending to the social and political
>processes that struggle against and work to unsettle the architecture of
>domination established through imperialism"

But I do not agree with and do not feel there is any benefit to be gained
by continuing with the various dichotomies by Nationalities, colour, race
etc .... for want of better  terminology ... "deterministically essential"
by these markers. For to do so would lead to the conclusion that one is
conquered and the opressed becomes the oppressor and the dichotomy starts
all over again.

I am of the view that the strategy being pursued will only lead to
continuation of the binary oppositions. WIthin my own work I am
experimenting with the notions of Lefreve's (Soja) thirdspaces and Wilden's
"both and." I posit these two strategies not as compromises of the various
positions of the contestation but as alternate perceptions or conceptions
(not quite sure) criticing to underlying assumptions of the constitutions
of the various groups (e.g. are all Christians, Jews, American such
horrible people and all Muslims good?), contexts, concepts, value systems
and ways of doing. I realise in my work that a lot of this is abstract and
appear to be non-pragmatic but I feel out of theoretical framings line this
could come so more lasting solutions to the contestations and conflicts
rather than the strategy that has been used up to now wher the dominant is
replaced by the dominator etct etc.

I realise that this maybe detract from the realities ... comments.


, then what Taliban has to say
>against the Americans, against Israel and Judaism, about Islam and Saudi
>Arabia, is at least as relevant to this list as are discussions over
>who's the bigger asshole, Naipaul or Theroux.
>10. Why throw Americans out of Middle .......................... by
>                                       by
>                                    Taliban
>                  Why throw Americans out of Middle East
>    From: Info Times
>    What is the Gulf crisis? Why are the American and Jewish troops
>    around this sacred area? Why are the Muslim leaders calling the
>    of  the  Christian  and  Jewish  troops,  in  the  holy  land,  a
>    well-planned conspiracy  against  Islam  and  the Islamic world? Why
>    America, the arch enemy of the  Muslims,  accepted the
>responsibility of
>    protecting their holy sites?
>    The 'police man' of the world,  America,  when it took no action to
>    the inhuman, shocking atrocities being  committed against the
>Muslims in
>    Bosnia, in Kashmir, how did it,  with  its massive war machinery,
>    weapons of mass destruction,  formidable  air and ground force
>arrive in
>    Saudi Arabia, overnight, at a single  request from the Saudi rulers?
>    are its  troops  still  encamped  there,  in  the  sweltering  heat
>    inclement weather of the region?
>    They buildup of its massive troops around the two holy cities, a
>    against which threatening  danger,  a  deterrent  to  which human
>    violation? To find out the  answers  to  all  these questions it
>will be
>    necessary  to  study  the   geographical   importance,   the
>    significance of Saudi Arabia and  its  influence  upon the
>    economic and financial system.  An  effort  has  been made, through
>    article to make the Muslims aware of a Zionist conspiracy, the net
>    is gradually being drawn around them.
>    It is now time for the  Muslims  either  to  come  to their senses
>or be
>    ready to be destroyed  forever;  either  to  wake up from their
>sleep of
>    apathy, destroy the evil  conspiracies  against them, wipe their
>    off the face of the earth or  be  prepared  to  face  the wrath of
>    Taala, wait for the day when Allah shall remove them from this world
>    bring others in their place, who instead  of being immersed in a
>life of
>    luxury shall be ever ready to  sacrifice  their lives for the
>    of Allah`s Deen and their own holy cities.
>    The importance of Saudi Arabia
>    Since  the  beginning  of   creation,   Saudi   Arabia  has  held
>    significance for many reasons and  its  importance  and superiority
>    the rest of the countries of the  world  shall  continue till the
>Day of
>    Qiyamah. First so  the  religious  aspect.  The  major  religious of
>    world, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, etc. were sent down in this
>    and from here spread throughout  the  world.  Notable prophets were
>    down towards the people of this  land.  All four holy books, and
>most of
>    the heavenly scriptures were sent down from heaven to this country.
>    This land saw great  empires,  the  ruins  of  which  can still he
>    scattered here. For these and many other  reasons this land is
>sacred to
>    the Muslims and the Christians and Jews  as well. Besides the holy
>    of the Muslims, the  places  held  sacred  by  the  Jews  and
>    themselves are found in this part of the world too.
>    Since the very beginning the Jews  have  had  designs upon this area
>    have desired to gain control  over  certain  parts  and create a
>    state there. The two blue stripes shown  in the national flag of
>    stand for the River Nile and the River Tigris, considered by the
>Jews to
>    be the boundaries of their state. The  Jews had been trying to
>    a purely Jewish state in the area between these two rivers for ages.
>    the rejected people, disobedient  to  the  laws of Allah Taala,
>    towards His prophets,  had  had  no  success  in  their  aims  until
>    cowardice of the Muslims, their  renunciation  of  Jihaad, enabled
>    unclean people to get their clutches into the land of Palestine.
>    In short, the establishment  of  Israel  in  this  limited area, was
>    first step of the Jews towards  the  creation  of  an  extensive
>    empire. Now, with the onslaught of the western troops upon the Gulf,
>    stage is set for the last decisive battle.
>    Part 2:
>    A Jew or a Christian  is  always  commander  of  the  troops  of
>    countries which are stationed in Saudia Arabia and the nearly
>    on one pretext or another.  The  majority  of  the troops themselves
>    Christians, Jews and Mulhids.  Their  arrogance  is such that not
>even a
>    high-ranking Saudi Officials is allowed to enter their military
>bases or
>    settlements.
>    An incidence has already been published  by the international media
>of a
>    Saudi officer who was dismissed by  the  Saudi government at the
>    of the Americans, because he was found  arguing with security
>officer of
>    an American base, who had denied him entry. All these military bases
>    directly under the command of the  Americans,  fully  self-governing
>    answerable to none. Is this an  attitude  of a force which has only
>    summoned to guard a country?
>    The massive build-up of their troops and weapons, their immense land
>    air-force is claiming loud and  clear  that  their presence in
>Saudia is
>    not merely as a  deterrent  to  Saddam,  but  a  part of deep,
>    conspiracy. For if a defence against  the imaginary danger of Saddam
>    really the object, then the troops  should  have been stationed near
>    border of Iraq. What does their  presence,  thousands  of miles
>away, in
>    the heart of Saudi Arabia, in  Jaddah  and Taif, within a few
>    of the Haram, mean? Even if  we  suppose  that  the holy sites of
>    Arabia were  threatened  by  Saddam,   were  Bahram,  Oman,  and
>    thousands of miles away threatened  by  him too? Why have American
>    been set up in Qatar and  Musqat?  To  confront  one  danger, is
>    greater danger invited to one's house? Is Saddam more dangerous than
>    cunning and dirty Jews, the  bigoted  Christians?  When Saddam keeps
>    doors of Kofa and Baghdad open for  all  the Muslims of the world,
>    be forbid them the Hajj of  BaitulLah,  the pilgrimage of
>    SallalLahu 'Alayhi Wasallam?
>    Actually the Saudia was not in any  danger  it  was the Saudi rulers
>    their government which felt threatened. The threat too was imaginary
>    false, created by the deceiving  Jews.  They  showed deceptive
>    pictures to the Saudi rulers,  which  indicating an imminent attack
>    their country by Saddam Husain. These  pictures were created into
>such a
>    monster that the Saudi rulers were  given  no  time to think, to
>    other Muslim countries, ask for  their  assistance.  Without giving
>    tune even to think, thousands of troops  and latest weapons were
>    over to Saudi Arabia overnight.  And  it is the height of craftiness
>    deceit that the Muslims are being made  to pay all the expenses of
>    troops! Has the sky ever been a witness to such a lamentable,
>    scene?
>    Observe the simplicity of the  Muslims  Behold the cunning of the
>    too. It is no longer a  secret  now  that  on  their  arrival  in
>    Arabia, the Jewish troops held celebrations in Khyber. Their rabbis
>    speeches, dishes prepared with ham  were  eaten, wine flowed freely.
>    only that but all the Jews of the  world  celebrated that day for
>    avenged their humiliating  defeat  of  a  thousand years ago. O
>    heirs of the conqueror of  Khyber,  where  is  your  sense of honour
>    shame? The Sahaba-e-Kiraam whose feet thundered over the fort of
>    what must their souls have felt, are  your rusted hearts aware of
>it? Do
>    you offer your Salat, keep fasts  for  this day only when the dirty
>    of the Jews trample under their  feet  those places which were
>    by your illustrious ancestors at the cost of their lives, and you
>sit at
>    home as mere spectators! Rise ! take  up your arms and be ready to
>    the Kuffar, or your Salat will be  of  no use, rolled up in a dirty
>    they will be thrown in your faces.  The  Ka'abah  towards which you
>    your faces while offering Salt, when  that is in danger, of what use
>    your prostrations? Allah has no need of them.
>    The Prophet SallalLahu 'Alayhi Wasallam  upon whom you send Durood,
>    the Kuffar are within a  few  miles  of  his  sacred  Raudhah, will
>    continuous offering of Durood, be  considered  wise, a sign of your
>    and obedience or mere stupidity and cowardice? The last Wasiyyah of
>    Holy  Prophet  SallalLahu  `Alayhi  Wasallam  was  "Expel  the  Jews
>    Christians from the land of  Arabia.  This  command was for those
>    who were born Arabs, who had  been  living  here  through the
>    When their existence, without Islam, could not be tolerated, how can
>    dirty, unclean Mushrikeen, citizens  of Britain and America the
>homes of
>    Kufr, be invited to stay here? When they were not allowed to stay in
>    deserts and the far-flung corners  of  Arabia,  how can they be
>    permanent bases on the outskirts of the two holy cities?
>    When they could not live as shepherds, paying Jizyah to the Muslims,
>    can they arrogantly walk  about  in  the  holy  land?  Can  it
>really be
>    believed that these  enemies  of  Allah  have  come  here to protect
>    house? Can any  save  person  believe  that  the  deceitful  people
>    conspired to murder the  Holy  Prophet  SallalLahu  Alayhi Wasallam,
>    succeeded in putting poison in his food,  have after his death
>    and travelling across thousands of miles  are bearing hardships just
>    the sake of protecting his sacred shrine, his Raudhah-e-Mubarak?
>    Is there no Muslim in the entire  world  who  is capable of guarding
>    religious, sacred sites? Are true  men  and Mujahids no longer been
>    among the Muslims? Have the Muslim  women  stopped  giving birth to
>    children, that they are now begging  their eternal foes to protect
>    Your true book itself has made it  clear  upon you that the Jews and
>    Christians are your worst  and  eternal  enemies,  don't make
>friends of
>    them. These people can never be  your  well-wishers  proclaims your
>    Book, O Muslims Yet  you  have  gone  even  further.  Let  alone
>    friends, you are bent upon making  them  your guardians, your
>    and your allies? Do you  really  believe  that  their temperament,
>    natural disposition has changed?
>    Remember, the nature of a  thing  does  not  changes. Never will a
>    give up biting, a scorpion stinging;  except that it were de-fanged,
>    the sting of the scorpion removed. In  the same way, the Jews will
>    give up their enemity towards the  Muslims,  until the yoke of
>Jizyah is
>    put around their necks. And Jizyah can only be collected through
>    The nation  which  entrusts  the  protection  of  its  sacred
>sites  to
>    non-Muslims, how cant it wage  Jihaad  against them? How can it
>    collect Jizyah  from  these  non-Muslims?  If  at  the  time of
>    attack, Saudia did not have an  army,  then  when Saddam Husain with
>    intentions of plundering the oil  wealth  of Kuwait, could get ready
>    million young men within a  single  year,  can't  Saudi  Arabia, for
>    legitimate defence  purposes  prepare  a  few  platoons even after
>    years?
>    The Arab Mujahideen who taught a  lesson  to  the Russians, who make
>    Afghan communists acknowledge their  superiority, wouldn't they have
>    a noose around the necks  of  Saddam's  supporters?  Instead  of
>    their help, why does? Those who bestow the titles of Mujahids and
>    upon those who fought  the  Russian  Kuffar,  why  do  they  brand
>    fighting against the American  Kuffar,  as terrorists? Are the
>    less filthy Kafirs, than the Russians?
>    Part 3:
>    Fighting against the Russians is a  Fardh-e-Ayn,  merely talking
>    the Americans is Haraam?  Was  Afghanistan  more  holy  a place than
>    Haramayn, that the Mujahids going  to  fight there had their
>    published in  Saudi  papers,  were  given  a  60  per  cent
>discount in
>    air-fare, while those  who  stood  up  to  guard  the  holy  cities
>    threatened with extradition on rigorous  imprisonment? Conceded that
>    unchecked, autocratic rule of  the  noble  leaders  is threatened by
>    Mujahideen, what about the  other  Muslim  countries  of the world,
>    Pakistan, whose troops are the best-equipped in the world, who are
>    to lay down their lives for  the  protection  of  their countries,
>    they have enough religious spirit to protect the house of Allah?
>    There do exist such  Muslim  countries  in  the  world whose troops,
>    their  memorable  services,  their   splendid  military  traditions
>    considered to be  military  powers  of  the  highest  rank in the
>    depraving these states the honour of guarding the holy cities and
>    it to the foul-smelling,  dirty  Kuffar,  whose  very  presence
>    fills the angels with disgust, what  kind of a justice is that? How
>    monumental expenses of  the  non-Muslim  troops  are  being borne to
>    extent that they are  even  being  provided  wine,  women  and  pork
>    guarding the  holy  cities,  while  this  duty  is  being  denied to
>    Pakistani troops who are willing to  work at a meagre pay, nay are
>    to render this duty  even  without  any  pay,  but  just  as an
>honour a
>    service in the way of Allah?
>    The non-Muslims are filling their treasures  with the wealth robbed
>    the Muslims and our  Muslim  brothers  are  forced to beg for loans
>    this same  plundered  wealth.  America  requires  fifty  million
>    yearly for the upkeep of  its  troops.  If  Saudia  were to given
>even a
>    hundredth art of this amount to  Pakistan,  then  not only would all
>    defence budget be met but an  exceptional  bond of brotherhood and
>    among the Islamic countries would appear.
>    The truth is that the non-Muslim troops  have neither arrived to
>    the holy cities nor  will  they  leave  when  the  danger of attack
>    Saddam is over. When Shah Faisal can  be murdered, the planes of
>    Zia-ul-Haq and  other  top-ranking  military  leaders  can  be
>blown to
>    pieces, a bomb can  be  planted  in   `AbdulLah  Izam's  path,
>    commandos can sniff around  the  world  like  dogs,  in search of
>    Ramzi and Aimal Kansi, a special  CIA  cell can be set up for the
>    of the distinguished, revered Arab Mujahid,  Osama Bin Laden, then
>is it
>    difficult for America to dispose of Saddam Husain?
>    How come America, which is determined  to either buy off its
>    in the world or to dispose of them, it cannot end the mischief of
>    Husain once and forever? Are  its  secret  agencies,  its
>    commandos so weak and helpless  that  they  cannot end he perfidy of
>    because of whom its troops, in such  massive numbers, are forced to
>    in the burning deserts so far  from  home?  Isn't  it  possible that
>    bogey of Saddam has been  created  by  America  itself? whenever
>    needs to deploy its forces, stock pile  its weapons, or increase the
>    expenses of its troops it winds up  this  robotic bogey ad
>threatened by
>    its fierce roar, its intimidating  blood-shot  eyes, the Saudis bow
>    into obeying every kind of demand made in accordance with the
>    of Pentagon. When the demand has been met, the Americans put this
>    genii back into a bottle, bury it in an underground palace-cellar,
>to be
>    used in future emergencies.
>    Had the American troops any  intention  of  returning home, Shah
>    brother Tallal Bin 'Abdul 'Azeez  wouldn't  have  told the BBC
>during an
>    interview " The American troops will not return even if we ask them
>    These words of a highly responsible, Saudi emir should be enough to
>    the eyes of the Muslims all over the  world. They would realize that
>    America against whom they chant  slogans,  whom  they wish to
>destroy to
>    pieces, revealing the height of  its  evil and loathsome nature, has
>    infiltrated their holiest  land.  The  hated  enemy,  whom they
>    thoughts of confronting, has now entered  their own land. The Heaven
>    wants to  see  whether,  repeating   the  history  of  their
>    ancestors, the Muslims now  crush  the  pride-filled,  arrogant
>heads of
>    these Kuffar under their feet, or  indulging  in  a luxurious and
>    lie they come to the worst possible end they deserve.
>    The people who believe the intentions  of America to be good should
>    some deep thought  to  this  item  of   news   broadcast  by  the
>    communication media some time ago-when President Clinton paid a
>visit to
>    boost the morale of  the  American  troops  stationed  in  Saudia,
>    instead of visiting the Saudi  leader  first  as demanded by
>    international diplomatic norms, he  landed  straight  at the US
>    base in Hafar al  Batin.  Then  instead  of  accepting  the
>governor of
>    Riyadh's  offer  of  hospitality,  he   summoned  the  governor  to
>    residence. Is he the  British  viceroy,  being  repeated again with
>    some slight changes in names and places?
>    The first reason for the Jews  and  Christians  interest  in the
>    peninsula has thus been  explained.  Now  we  come to the second
>    which is geographical in nature.  Saudi  Arabia is situated in the
>    of the world. The most important sea routes pass by it. Whoever
>    Arabia is considered to be in  control  of nearly all the most
>    transit routes of the world. On one side is the Arabian Gulf under
>    flows 62 to 75 per cent of all  world  oil.  The oil, the main
>artery on
>    which depends all the progress of  the  modern  world, all the
>    economic and political power of  the  western countries. On another
>    is the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean,  flanked by the Gulf of Oman on
>    eastern side and Gulf of Aden on  the  west. This entire area is the
>    passage of the East and West, the  universal  highway of world trade
>    every kind of transportation.
>    On the other side of Saudi Arabia lies the Red Sea which is the
>    line between the Asian  Continent  and  the  Continent of Africa. On
>    third lies the Mediterranean Sea,  with  Syria,  Lebanon and Egypt
>    along is  coast.  Opposite  the  Mediterranean  is  found  the
>    Continent. The island-like Saudi Arabia lies strategically between
>    immense areas of land. Trade  between  these  continents and sea
>    are not possible without passing across it. If someone would
>undertake a
>    sea journey to Europe and America  from  Asia,  without crossing the
>    Sea, he would have to arrive at the  Gulf of Aden, sail along the
>    of Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique,  touch the furthest
>point of
>    land, the southern-most tip of the African continent, Cape Town and
>    there turn towards  his  destination  reaching  it  after  a
>journey of
>    several months across thousands of miles.
>    Part 4:
>    If someone wanted to go to Europe and  America from Asia by sea,
>    wanting to cross the Red Sea, he would have to set said from the
>Gulf of
>    Aden, sail along the coasts of Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, and
>    and then turning from the furthest point  of land, the Southern-most
>    of the African continent,  Cape  Town,  and  thus  reach his
>    after a journey of several months  across  thousands  of miles. The
>    and time consumed by such a journey  would not make his business
>    profitable, but a disastrous loss. On  the other hand, if the Red
>Sea is
>    used, then entering the Gulf  of  Aden  at  Bab ul Mandeb and Dij
>    passing by Jaddah and Yenbo  through  the  Suez Canal, the
>    can be easily reached.
>    The coastal cities of  Europe  lie   along  the  Mediterranean.
>    Greece, Italy, Albania, France and Spain all lie along the
>    coast. At Spain the Mediterranean comes to an end. At this point, on
>    side lies Spain and Morocco  on  the  other.  Between  them  both is
>    narrow Strait of Gibraltar.  Across  the  Strait  of  Gibraltar lies
>    Atlantic Ocean, on the Eastern side  of which is Europe and Africa
>    America lies of the  Western  side.  This  route,  just  outlined is
>    shortest and the safest for those plundering Saudia's wealth and
>    it off to Europe and America. Since the break up of the Soviet Union
>    consequent independence of the  Central  Asian Republics, the
>    of natural, mineral wealth,  all  the  countries  of the world are
>    with each other to  establish  trade  links  with  these  Central
>    Republics. And this has increased the value of this sea route
>    Thus due to its strategic  location,  this  area has become the
>entre of
>    attention, of all the avaricious world  powers. The Western
>countries in
>    their greed for acquiring global  economic  supremacy,  are trying
>    best to get a foot  hold,  to  sink   their  teeth  into  Saudi
>    Inhabitants of the coldest regions  of  the  world, these
>    insipid people are not suffering  the  grilling  heat of the deserts
>    the protection, progress and prosperity  of the people here but are
>    to promote their own economy, to  further  their own national
>    They are well aware that in these modern  times of fast trade only
>    countries can make  rapid  progress  which  have  control  over the
>    waters of the world.
>    According to economic  experts,  in  the  race  for  capital,  only
>    country can  take  precedence  over  the  others  which  can  employ
>    cheapest means of transportation by  sea. Without this, let alone
>    a lead in world trade it would be  extremely  difficult for a
>country to
>    maintain its economic position  among  the  other progressive
>nations of
>    the world. It is the  deep  misfortune  of  the  Muslims that
>inspite of
>    being the possessors of this main artery of world trade, they are
>    to maintain total control over it and use it for the welfare ad
>    of the Muslims of  the  world.  This  is  due  more  to  the Muslims
>    indifference  to   religion,   disregard   for  Jihaad  fi
>    mismanagement, lack of foresight, love for luxury and immorality,
>    than to the cunningness and deceit of the non-Muslims.
>    Now let us see how these global plunderers, robbers, how America and
>    menials, and the other Kuffar Western  nations slowly, stealthily
>    control of these strategic, vital sea routes, and water passageways;
>    they deprived the  Muslims  of  these   magnificent   means  of
>    plundered their wealth and how  with  the utmost shrewdness they are
>    doling out mere pence from this  plundered  wealth to the Muslims in
>    form of loans on strict terms. In exchange  of this loan or "aid",
>    plunderers have not only  compromised  the faith of the Muslims but
>    made them utterly dependent on themselves too.
>    Come let us try to understand  these  cunning tricks of the Jews,
>    aware of their deceit, recognize  their  camouflaged snare with the
>    resolve that one day we shall  recover  every  single penny of ours
>    these usurers;  split  their  fat   flabby  bellies,  and  retrieve
>    plundered wealth which, taking  advantage  of our carelessness they
>    swallowed.
>     --- from list ---
Richard Wah
Graduate School of Education
University of Queensland
St Lucia
Brisbane 4072.

Ph  61-7-33656508
Fax 61-7-33657199 

     --- from list ---


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