File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1998/postcolonial.9809, message 70

Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 17:25:07 -0500
Subject: Re: Why Throw Americans Out of Middle East... by Taliban

Actually, this thread on labor/labour is quite relevant to all the
postcolonial concerns which you mention.  And by the way, to insist that you
respect the spelling conventions of the country whose word you are using (is
not Labor Day a *United States* holiday?)--this is simply to insist that you
*not* practice cultural imperialism.  This is why it is so funny that I was
being accused by some of cultural imperialism, because in fact I was
cautioning *against* this very practice!

The ironies continue, and I am laughing.

David Butz wrote:

> Or is it... Why throw the non-Americans off the Poco list?
> Yes... another lesson in the tendency of words to spin away from their
> enunciator (if not their site of enunciation). I originally threw the bit
> about Labour Day in to take the edge off a couple of other crusty comments
> I'd made to the listserve... and of course to wish everyone on the list
> (yes... ALL who might liked to be wished so) a Happy Labour Day. But, to
> my amazement the list has now become preoccupied once again with spelling
> to the neglect of a discussion of perhaps more direct links between
> imperialism,  the postcolonial condition, retaliatory bombings, and
> Taliban anti-semitism.
> Lesson: leave the edge on... at least it might be the intended edge. I
> don't know whether to sigh or marvel. David.
>      --- from list ---

     --- from list ---


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