File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1998/postcolonial.9809, message 89

Subject: Re: Third Space
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 19:06:40 +0100

I have considerable reservations regarding Bhabha's formulation of his
'third space' and his use of spatial metaphors in general. Also his attack
on Jameson's materialism. Too much to go into here, but if anyone is
interested to a critical response to this aspect of Bhabha's work, please
check out my essay 'Lost in space: siting/citing the in-between of Homi K.
Bhabha's _The Location of Culture_' in the journal Scrutiny2, vol. 3, no. 1,
1998. If you find it hard to get a copy of this journal but are interested
in this essay,  please let me know and I'll e-mail the original MS Word

Lawrence Phillips
University of Sussex

-----Original Message-----
From: David Butz <>
Date: Tuesday, September 08, 1998 2:54 PM
Subject: Third Space

>Other references on Third Space:
>Bhabha, Homi K. 1990. The third space: interview with Homi Bhabha. in
>Identity: Community, Culture, Difference. editor J. Rutherford, 207-21.
>London: Lawrence and Wishart.
>Bhabha, Homi K. 1994. The Location of Culture. New York: Routledge.
>(pp.36-9, 217-19).
>Jameson, F. 1991. Postmodernism or, the cultural logic of late capitalism.
>Durham: Duke University Press. (pp.297-418).
>Law, Lisa. 1997. Dancing on the bar: sex, money and the uneasy politics of
>third space. in Geographies of Resistance. editors Steve Pile, and Michael
>Keith, 107-23. London: Routledge.
>Pile, Steve. 1994. Masculinism, the use of dualistic epistemologies and
>third spaces. Antipode 26(3): 255-77.
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