File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1998/postcolonial.9809, message 90

Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 12:25:51 -0600
Subject: Re: Asian women Writers Collective

Hi Mark,

	Thanks so much for your e-mail.  I had no idea that *Flaming Spirit*
existed.  My dissertation had a chapter on Randhawa's *A Wicked Old Woman*
and on Gurinder Chadha's *Bhaji on the Beach* and I'm trying to follow that
up with more research on South Asian women writers/filmakers in England.  I
teach at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and I've had no luck
getting the *Hari-Jan* through inter-library loans or through any of the
non-mainstream bookshops in North America.  It's good to know that the book
is still in print.  I'm going to try and find its publisher's (Mantra)
address and will then fax/e-mail/write/phone them.  I'm not familiar with
Dillons.  Do you have their address?  I could write them and see if they
will send me a copy of the book through the mail.  I'd also really like to
continue "talking" to you about these writers.

												All the best,


  At 01:34 AM 9/8/98 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Asha,
>I bought Hari-jan in London not too long ago. You should be able to order 
>it from Dillons or the like. Since the author founded the Asian Women 
>Writers Collective maybe you can contact her herself through the 
>publisher (Mantra) to get information on the Collective. 
>Rukhsana Ahmad and Rahila Gupta, founding members of the collective, have 
>published a second collection of stories: Flaming Spirit, Virago, 1994.
>Are you doing research on Asian women in Britain then?
>Good luck,
>   Mark Stein                |   J. W. Goethe-Universitaet
>   Herderstr. 6              |   Inst. f. Engl. + Amer. Stud. 
>   60316 Frankfurt/Main      |   Kettenhofweg 135             
>   Germany                   |   D-60054 Frankfurt am Main    
>   Tel. + 49 69 437 664      |   FAX +49 69 798 28568         
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