Subject: Africa/Diaspora Conference Final Posting Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 09:23:20 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FINAL POSTING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > AFRICA SOCIETY CONFERENCE > OPTIONS FOR AFRICA: EDUCATION, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNANCE CALL FOR PAPERS > >The Africa Society is organizing a three-day conference at the >University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada > February 26-28, 1999. > >The 1999 Conference Theme is Options for Africa: Education, Development, Governance. > >Keynote Speakers will include: >Dr. GEORGE SEFA DEI, >OISE, Graduate Department of Education, University of Toronto, Canada > "Interrogating Afrocentricity: Africa and the Diasporan Reality". DR. OLUFEMI VAUGHAN, State University of New York-Stony Brook "A Critical Analysis of State-Society Relations in Nigeria" DR. JOHN SAUL Political Science, York University, Canada "South Africa in an Era of Globalization". Other presenters include: Fatima Sadiqi, University of Fes, Morocco "The Gender/Language Interface in Morocco" Moha Ennaji, Language and Linguistics, University of Fes, Morocco "Language and Cultural Identity in North Africa" Amelia O.Okereke, Linguistics and Literary Studies, Germany "Women in Contemporary African Society" Namu Doris Lwanga, Uganda "Taming Memories of War Through Theatre" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Proposals~~~~~~~~~~~ >Short proposals of about 200 words are invited for papers in the following areas: > >EDUCATION AND CULTURE: >Africa in the Information Age; Literature and the Arts; African cinema; >'Brain Drain' and African Students Abroad; African Diaspora; African >masculinities; Gender, Sex and Sexualities; Nationalisms and Identities; >Distance Education. > >DEVELOPMENT: >Globalization and Development Studies; Gender and Development; Sustainable Development; Industrialization and Post-Industrialization; Agriculture and the Environment; Media and Communications Technologies > >POLITICAL ECONOMY: >Governance; Democratization; Peace and Security; Human Rights; Neo-/Post-colonialism; Corruption; Constitutional Changes in Africa; Africa and Global Civil Society; Africa in the Global Economy. > >Other topic suggestions are welcome. >Conference organizers plan to publish selected papers. >Deadline for Proposal submission: January 15, 1999. >Proposals and registration enquiries should be addressed to either: > > Dr. Malinda S. Smith > State and Legal Studies > Athabasca University > Athabasca, Alberta T9S 3A3 > E-mail: > Tele.: (403)-438-5708 > Fax: (403)-675-6338 > > Or > > Dr. Lahoucine Ouzgane > Department of English > University of Alberta > Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E5 > E-mail: > Tele.: (403)-492-7828 > Fax: (403)-492-8142 > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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