File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9901, message 110

Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 07:10:24 +0900
Subject: Re: Women's Rights in Afghanistan

Dear friends,

I sent this petition on to all of you and now just received this response
from one friend. I'm sorry if I've had you send on this message in vain.



The long and gnarled message below is a result of a discussion on the
English grad listserv (hence, EGRADS). One student (Andrea) posted the
same electronic petition you sent me, and another student (Ying) objected
that it wasn't clear how the petition would work.

Then, this...

Tim Conley
Queen's University

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 11:16:42 -0500
From: Andrea C. Cole <>
Subject: Mea culpa

I may never use EGRADS Again.  Please see the following, and I'm
sorry Ying, for not checking my sources more carefully.    My
friend Deb and I obviously felt the same way..... Andrea
Sorry about the "good intentions" email I sent yesterday...I
received the
following reply when I cc'd the appropriate person.  Please don't
send the
message on...I had just seen a documentary on the topic and was
pretty heated.  Oh, well...I guess I live and learn.  Deb

>Please read this message carefully, especially the next two
sentences. Do
>not reply to this email. Do not forward this email to anyone else.
>who needs a copy, already has one.
>Due to a flood of hundreds of thousands of messages in response
to an
>unauthorized chain letter, all mail to is
>deleted unread. It will never be a valid email address again. If you
>have a personal message for the previous owner of that address,
you will
>need to find some means other than email to communicate.
> was not an organization, but a person
who was
>totally unprepared for the inevitable consequences of telling
thousands of
>people to tell fifty of their friends to tell fifty of their friends to
>send her email.
>It is our sincere hope that the hundreds of thousands of people
>continue to attempt to reply will find a more productive outlet for
>concerns. There are several excellent organizations and
individuals doing
>real work on the issues raised. Some of them were mentioned in
>letter. None of them authorized her actions. We suggest that you
>them through non-virtual channels to help. They all have web sites
>information and contact points. Unlike sarabande, they can
channel your
>energy in useful directions. Do not let this incident discourage
>Please do not forward unverified chain letters, no matter how
>they might seem. Propagating chain letters is specifically
prohibited by
>the terms of service of most Internet service providers; you could
>your account.
>Please also read:
>Any replies to this message will be deleted unread. The issue is

It's never too late--in fiction or in life--to revise

Nancy Thayer

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