Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 16:43:36 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: Edward Said: Iraq: Clinton's Rampage Edward Said's article on Iraq and the most recent attacks on Iraq deserve applause. It seems pretty clear that this was a misguided attempt to use Iraq as Bush did--to gain political points at home. Since this has obviously failed, it is easy to understand why the attacks have faltered. My cynicism about U.S. motives does not prevent me from wondering to what extent we should allow dictators to take populations hostage. The Iraqis are innocent victims not only of U.S. policy, but also of Saddam Hussein, who uses them to protect himself. What should the world's response be to this situation? Even if one is against imperialism, surely this does not mean accepting a dictatorship as a viable form of "self-determination" worthy of protection? --- from list ---
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