Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 17:13:21 -0500 (EST) Subject: communication, technoscience and cyberculture study/reasearch group Hi, Some of the "RL" and "Virtual" participants and lurkers on my graduate seminar ( from last semester wanted to continue the course virtual spaces by forming a study/research group of sorts - we will be using virtual environments like the web-ct ( and du-moo (where I have set up a "VSPO" group for a limited number of participants), linguamoo and mediamoo for our meetings and ongoing synchronous and asynchronous discussions. This is obviously not "open to all" - but I'm inviting those who might be interested in participating in some form - visiting virtual "lectures" , discussions or as continuous participants. Please contact me at my email address - - if interested. The readings this semester will focus around virtuality, cyberculture and technoscience in relation to feminism, the "third-world" and Science/Knowledge. thanks, r ps Happy New Year all. _____________________________________ Radhika Gajjala _______________________________________ --- from list ---
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