Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 18:06:47 +1000 Subject: petition against threat to bilingual teaching >>(by way of John Hobson < Subject: [Fwd: Bilingual >>education threat] Dear all, This is an urgent request to all of you who >>love language, value it as a national treasure, and would like to see the >>preservation of our indigenous languages. The Northern Territory Education >>Department is proposing to phase out bilingual education in Northern >>Territory schools, contrary to the wishes of many Aboriginal communities >>which have bilingual programmes. (For the NT Department of Education >>Statement, and copies of the Minister's press release, see >> If you are concerned about this, you >>can send letters/faxes to the two Ministers concerned: Peter Adamson >>Minister for Education and Training phone (08)89996266 fax (08)89817440 Tim >>Baldwin Minister for Aboriginal Development phone (08)89997514 fax >>(08)89817511 Parliament House State Square Darwin NT 0800 ----------- As >>well, you could print out the petition below prepared by the Australian >>Education Union, and circulate it: "To all Aboriginal communities and >>friends Please find a copy of a petition requesting that the decision to >>withdraw the Bilingual programs from NT schools be revoked. Please send the >>completed petitions in an envelope marked: Bilingual Petitions To The >>Australian Education Union GPO Box 4494 Darwin NT 0801 By Friday December >>11 If the date is not possible please send them in whenever you can " Many >>thanks, Lloyd PETITION TO THE HONORABLE THE SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE >>LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY. WE THE UNDERSIGNED >>RESPECTFULLY SHOWETH THAT THE PROGRESSIVE WITHDRAWAL OF THE BILINGUAL >>PROGRAMS IN NORTHERN TERRITORY SCHOOLS WILL MEAN THAT: Ä ABORIGINAL >>PEOPLE ARE BEING TOLD THAT THEIR WRITTEN AND SPOKEN LANGUAGES HAVE NO >>OFFICIAL PLACE IN NT SCHOOLS FOR THEIR CHILDREN. Ä ACCESS TO ENGLISH >>LITERACY WILL BE MORE DIFFICULT IF LITERACY IS NOT ACHIEVED FIRST IN THE >>LANGUAGE THE CHILDREN SPEAK (NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL EVIDENCE SUPPORTS >>THIS) Ä THE NATIONALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED WORK DONE BY THE >>NT BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN COLLECTING AND MAINTAINING LANGUAGE RESOURCES WILL >>BE DISCONTINUED (THIS IS A PART OF THE HERITAGE OF ALL AUSTRALIANS) Ä >>ABORIGINAL TEACHERS WILL HAVE GREATLY REDUCED CAREER PATHS. YOUR >>PETITIONERS URGENTLY REQUEST THAT THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE NORTHERN >>TERRITORY MAINTAIN AND CONTINUE SUPPORT FOR BILINGUAL PROGRAMS IN NT >>SCHOOLS, GIVEN THE HIGH LEVEL OF COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR THESE PROGRAMS, AND >>YOUR PETITIONERS AS IN DUTY BOUND WILL EVER PRAY. NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>_________________________________________________________________ >>Associate Professor Lloyd Dawe Associate Dean and Head, Division of >>Undergraduate Studies School of Teaching and Curriculum Studies Faculty of >>Education, A35 University of Sydney NSW 2006 e-mail: >> Telephone (02) 9351 3113 Fax (02) 9351 4765 John >>Hobson, on behalf of KooriNet the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander >>Internet Development Project at the Koori Centre, University of Sydney. >>Koori Centre Old Teachers College, A22 University of Sydney, NSW, 2006 >>Phone: (02) 9351 6994 Fax: (02) 9351 6924 >>********** Information about this and other KooriNet mailing lists is >>available at > --- from list ---
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