Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 10:17:01 +0200 Subject: postcolonial writings and such by members of this list? -Reply Dear Radhika Here are two book titles for your list, and one forthcoming: Leon de Kock. *Civilising Barbarians: Missionary Narrative and African Textual Response in Nineteenth-Century South Africa.* Witwatersrand University Press & Lovedale Press, 1996. Leon de Kock and Ian Tromp (eds). *The Heart in Exile: South African Poetry in English, 1990-1995.* Penguin, 1996. Marlene van Niekerk. *Triomf.* (Prizewinning Afrikaans novell translated by Leon de Kock. Original published in 1994. Translation forthcoming at Little Brown 1999.) --- from list ---
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