Subject: Fw: Ban on Female Genital Mutilation (fwd) Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 07:35:45 -0600 Of interest--J. Abbenyi. > Reply-To: > To: visionafr <> > Subject: visions-afr: Senegal: Ban on Female Genital Mutilation (fwd) > > ** Send unsubscribe or help commands to ** > Senegal: Ban on Female Genital Mutilation > Date distributed (ymd): 990104 > Document reposted by APIC > +++++++++++++++++++++Document Profile+++++++++++++++++++++ > Region: West Africa > > Issue Areas: +economy/development+ +gender/women+ > Summary Contents: > This posting contains a short report, from the "Indigenous > Knowledge" section of the World Bank's Africa Region, > providing background to the December 1998 decision by Senegal > to ban female genital mutilation (see the BBC report at > > That decision, which follows a similar step by Togo in October > 1998, was in large part the result of local initiatives by > Senegalese women described in the report, as well as a > worldwide campaign by UNICEF. > For additional background, and information on action on this > issue by African women in the United States, including a > "Declaration of Values" with a form to indicate your support, > see the Rainbo web site ( > See also: > Summary background from UNICEF > > > ENDA SYNFEV - Synergy Gender and Development > > And visit APIC's Africa Web Bookshop > ( for a short review of > Do They Hear You When You Cry, by Fauziya Kassindja and > Layli Miller Bashir, the account of a young Togolese woman's > case against the U.S. immigration authorities on this issue. > +++++++++++++++++end profile++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > IK Notes World Bank > No. 3, December 1998 > Senegalese Women Remake Their Culture > IK Notes reports periodically on Indigenous Knowledge (IK) > initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is published by the > Africa Region's Knowledge and Learning Center as part of an > evolving IK partnership between the World Bank, communities, > NGOs, development institutions and multilateral organizations. > The views expressed in this article are those of the authors > and should not be attributed to the World Bank Group or its > partners in this initiative. A webpage on IK is available at > > Letters, comments, and requests for publications should be > addressed to: Editor: IK Notes Knowledge and Learning Center > Africa Region, World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Room J5-171 > Washington, D.C. 20433 E-mail: > Although for decades the capital of French West Africa, > Senegal, like other countries of the Sahel, remains > predominantly rural. And while 62 percent of the people reside > in rural areas, more than 85 percent of the wealth is in urban > centers. As in many countries, disadvantage accumulates at the > level of women and girls. In 1995, female literacy countrywide > was just over half the rate for men (23 percent compared to 44 > percent), and the discrepancy was still greater in rural > areas. > TOSTAN, literally means "breaking out of the egg" in Wolof, > the language spoken by the majority of Senegal's 7.9 million > people and is among a number of innovative rural development > and women's education initiatives that are addressing the > problem at its source. It offers an 18-month learning program > that combines basic education in national languages with > practical development issues, and provides rural people with > the resources to improve their standard of living while > fostering increased confidence in their way of life. > More than literacy, this breakthrough program offers > participants the tools to tackle such community issues as > health, hygiene and the environment. The program uses six > modules that link literacy to life skills in a highly > participatory process of problem solving. TOSTAN successfully > sustains the link between basic education and rural > development, giving adult learners not only literacy and > numeracy skills in their national languages but the means to > understand and solve local problems. > Several years ago, the TOSTAN NGO responded to the > solicitations of village authorities in Malicounda who had > seen the impact of its training programs on women in > neighboring communities and helped this Bambara community of > west central Senegal to create its own center. The program > placed special emphasis on the identification and resolution > of common problems, and one of the last training modules in > the series addressed issues of women's health and sexuality. > Its popularity among rural women participants broke all > records. > Shortly after completing their training, the newly literate > women of Malicounda decided that the problem they wished to > address was the custom of female circumcision a longstanding > pattern in the Bambara/ Mandigue and Pulaar communities. By > informing themselves on practices elsewhere and on the effects > of circumcision on girls' health and sexual life, they > developed an arsenal of arguments that eventually convinced > the village council to abolish the practice officially. In the > months May to July 1997 the traditional period for genital > cutting on young girls no such operations were performed in > Malicounda for the first time in the community's history. > TOSTAN and UNICEF supported the women by organizing a visit > from twenty Senegalese journalists to interview them about > their stand. The women performed a play for the visitors to > illustrate the reasons why they had made this decision and the > arguments they had used with other villagers. The visit > brought publicity to the issue, but also attracted some > threatening comments and criticism from surrounding > communities of the same ethnic group. Saddened but basically > undaunted, the group from Malicounda decided to organize a > delegation to two neighboring villages to convince women there > of the importance of a local decision to abolish genital > mutilation. > In one of these the community of Ngerin Bambara women who had > just completed the Tostan program decided to endorse the "oath > of Malicounda." The President of their Women's Association, > herself the daughter of a traditional circumciser, said that > her own daughter had hemorrhaged seriously during the > operation and that it was time to change. > Inhabitants of the second community, Ker Simbara, decided that > they could not put a stop to the practice without consulting > kin in a whole network of neighboring villages. So for a > period of eight weeks, two men who had taken part in the > TOSTAN program one a TOSTAN facilitator and the other a 66 > year-old Imam (a senior Muslim priest) traveled from village > to village to discuss the negative effects of female > circumcision with local people. The men originally had feared > that they would be chased out of many of the communities. > Instead they discovered that the news of Malicounda opened > doors and hearts, and they heard shocking stories from women, > speaking out for the first time about what they had > experienced. > The men returned convinced of the importance of what they had > heard and what they were doing. They assisted the women of > Malicounda, Ngerin and Ker Simbara in organizing a > intervillage conference in Diabougou for all those interested. > In February 1998, three representatives the village chief and > two women representatives from thirteen different villages met > for two days to discuss the problem and formulated the > "Diabougou Declaration," an engagement on the part of 8,000 > villagers to cease henceforth genital circumcision of girls. > Word of this initiative next traveled to the Casamance region > of southern Senegal, where another group of villages these all > of Pulaar lineage, an ethnic group practicing genital > circumcision on 88 percent of girls banded together for a > similar conference and declaration. Their conference was > attended by representatives from 18 communities, by health > workers and by the highly respected Imam of Medina Cherif, who > assured the women that the Muslim religion does not require > girls' circumcision and guarantees women's rights to health > and human dignity. Many women spoke of the harm wrought by > this practice. One lamented the death of her two girls > following the operation; and a traditional "cutter" admitted > that a girl had died in her village the year before. Other > women spoke of problems at childbirth and of painful sexual > relationships. The group concluded their meeting by issuing > their own declaration renouncing the practice. > The initiative has continued to spread. Early in the process, > President Abdou Diouf of Senegal himself proposed the "Oath of > Malicounda" as a model for national adoption. On the heels of > the meetings in the Casamance, women in the St. Louis region > of Senegal are now preparing for an inter-village convocation > of their own, to be held in February 1999. The sort of "active > learning" promoted among women by the TOSTAN program in > Senegal seems to have resulted in far-reaching cultural > change. Elements that contribute to TOSTAN's successful impact > in education and sustainable development are further examined > below. > Issues > Cultural roots. Combined with the use of national languages, > a deep valuing of African culture is the foundation of > TOSTAN's educational program, exemplifying the practical and > profound relationship between culture and education. > National languages. Although French is Senegal's official > language, the government has increasingly encouraged the use > of national languages in literacy programs, recognizing that > learning is easier and more effective in the affective domain > of one's own tongue and is likely to facilitate the transition > to international languages. Learning in the mother tongue > inspires pride, empowering women to speak up in their homes > and communities; and pride of place, encouraging men to invest > in their community rather than migrate to the cities. As well, > it eliminates the dissonance that children educated solely in > French often feel within the village household, thereby > facilitating intergenerational communication and solidarity. > Problem solving is the program's backbone and provides a > strong motivator for literacy acquisition. Skills taught in > this five-step process include (i) identifying and analyzing > the problem; (ii) studying adapted solutions based on > available financial, material and human resources, as well as > the time factor; (iii) planning the solution: what needs to be > accomplished? when do the steps have to be completed? who is > responsible? what human, material and financial resources are > necessary? what are the possible obstacles? (iv) implementing > the solution; and (v) evaluating the results: Did we solve the > problem? > Participation. TOSTAN was developed with villagers in a highly > participative ten-year process. Curricular modules were based > on the stories, proverbs, songs, and cultural traditions of > each place gathered by traveling from village to village, > listening and recording the oral tradition. The instructional > method maintains a participatory approach and learners often > involve their family and the community in the process of > problem-solving. > Women. With a female illiteracy rate in 1990 of 74.9 percent, > women are the least-educated group in Senegal. Women > particularly have been benefiting from TOSTAN's whole language > approach that begins with concrete, relevant experiences from > their daily lives rather than abstractions. TOSTAN has become > a training ground for leadership as women gain confidence, > begin to identify problems such as the retrieval of water, and > start to make changes in their communities. Yet men are not > excluded: nearly one-third of the participants are male, and > as the story of Ker Simbara illustrates they may take many of > the initiatives critical to alleviating the burdens that women > bear. > Process of developing approaches > Besides the participatory processes mentioned, learners were > also involved in the development of the contents of the > program through a method of testing, dialogue and feedback. > This was costly at the start but ultimately proved > cost-effective due to the success rate of adaptation by other > NGOs. Basic education, a UNESCO brochure on TOSTAN points out, > "strikes a deeper chord in peoples lives than a > straightforward literacy project...Understanding how each > module will contribute to changing their lives and environment > is a powerful motivating factor for learners". The > problem-solving process is basic to the TOSTAN approach and > easily adapted to varied environments. > Problems Encountered > In 1987 there were no basic education programs in national > languages in Senegal, and two government ministries shared > responsibility for literacy programs which often floundered. > Existing programs were little connected to practical life and > functioned in a non-literate environment, where skills learned > and not practiced were soon lost. The TOSTAN basic education > program addressed another basic problem, boredom, by relating > literacy to community and personal life and developing > attractive materials from local concerns. Finding qualified > facilitators was not easy at the outset, and there was > resistance from participants to the idea of paying the > facilitators from local resources. They preferred to use that > money for materials or classroom construction. TOSTAN > graduates are now themselves trained to be facilitators and > provide the bulk of staffing. > Solutions and Conclusions > The problem-solving skills presented in the first module are > used throughout the following modules, which deal successively > with hygiene activities, uses of oral rehydration therapy and > vaccinations, financial and material management skills, > management of human resources, and feasibility studies and > income-generating projects. Using these skills, women > participants have started a number of small businesses. The > TOSTAN methodology has also been used to reach out-of-school > children with a curriculum that covers reading, writing, math, > problem solving, health and hygiene, nutrition, family > management, children's rights, history, geography, education > for peace, leadership skills and group dynamics. Using the > participatory approach, adolescents learn to produce their own > texts. > The UNESCO flyer on TOSTAN draws an apt conclusion: "The > availability of a comprehensive program that offers > participants problem-solving tools and deals with the crucial > problems of health, hygiene, and the environment is an asset > for many regions of Africa faced with high illiteracy rates, > especially among women. More focus needs to be put on > implementing these well-studied and tested programs rather > than developing new ones...TOSTAN has shown that individuals > without any formal education, from villages with minimal > resources, can improve their lives and environment through a > solid program leading to greater autonomy and > self-sufficiency." > This article is based on research conducted by Senegalese > researchers with the support and technical supervision of > Peter Easton, Associate Professor, Graduate Studies in Adult > Education, Florida State University, and with the active > collaboration of the concerned African communities. The > research was carried out under the joint aegis of the Club du > Sahel/OECD, the CILSS and the Association for the Development > of Education in Africa (ADEA). > ************************************************************ > This material is being reposted for wider distribution by the > Africa Policy Information Center (APIC). APIC's primary > objective is to widen the policy debate in the United States > around African issues and the U.S. role in Africa, by > concentrating on providing accessible policy-relevant > information and analysis usable by a wide range of groups and > individuals. > Auto-response addresses for more information (send any e-mail > message): (about the Africa > Policy Electronic Distribution List); > (about APIC). Documents previously distributed, as well as a > wide range of additional information, are also available on > the Web at: > To be added to or dropped from the distribution list write to > For more information about reposted > material, please contact directly the source mentioned in the > posting. > Africa Policy Information Center, > 110 Maryland Ave. NE, #509, Washington, DC 20002. > Phone: 202-546-7961. Fax: 202-546-1545. > E-mail: > ************************************************************ > --- from list ---
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