File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9901, message 26

Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 21:46:01 -0500
Subject: Re: help tracking down Farah's "Gifts"

>Can anyone help me locate the novel "Gifts" by Nuruddin Farah.  It was
>originally published in 1992 (I'm not sure by whom) and may have been
>re-published in paperback by Serif.  I am very keen to read this book, but
>I can't seem to get it from either Amazon or Barnes & Noble.  Any ideas?
>Thanks in advance.  Please write back to <>
>Nancy E. Batty
>Head, English
>Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
>Red Deer College
>Box 5005
>Red Deer, Alberta  T4N 5H5
>(403) 342-3323          Fax (403) 340-8940
>     --- from list ---

dear nancy try bibliophile on the net, you can find with a yahoo search,
just enter :"bibliophile"


"Solidarity is running the same risks."
                        - Che Guevara
("La solidarieta' significa correre gli stessi rischi.")

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