Date: Sun, 03 Jan 1999 15:24:24 -0700 Subject: Conference on Postcolonialism and Marginality From: Sura Rath Department of English, Lousiana State University in Shreveport ph: 318-797-5296; fax:318-797-5290; e-mail: 3 January 1999 The first annual conference on Postcolonialism and the Discourse of Marginality was held at Gopalpur-on-Sea (India) 18-19 December 1998. Following papers were presented: "Fictions of Nationhood in Amitav Ghosh's _The Shadow Lines_" Neelam Srivastava, Oxford University "Writing the Community: Sindhi Literature as Minority Discourse" Gita Viswanath, Tolani College of Arts & Sciences, Kutch "Home(s) Abroad: Diasporic Identity in Third Space(s)" Sura Rath, LSU-Shreveport "Of Uncritical Largess" Rohini Mokashi Punekar, National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad "Degrees of Marginality: _Jane Eyre_ and _Wild Sargasso Sea_" Pratistha Pandya, M. S. University, Baroda "Transnationalism and the Art of Zarina Bhimji" Deepali Dewan, University of Minnesota "Postcolonialism, Globalization, and Discourse of Marginality: Anand Mavalankar, M. S. University, Baroda "Recovery of the Subordinate Self: Postcolonial Problematics and Prospects," Ashok Mahapatra, Sambalpur University "Some Similarities Between Postcolonial Discourse and Criticism of Children's Literature," Dipti Ranjan Patnaik, Sundergarh College "Embracing the Margins: An Evaluation of the Cross-Cultural Approach in Postcolonial Theory," V. Bharathi Harishankar, L. D. Arts College, Ahmedabad "Postcolonial Immigration to the UK and Self-Determination in Timothy Mo's _Sour Sweet," Tony Mills, Kyoritsu Women's University, Tokyo "Caliban's Postcolonial Odyssey" Kalidas Mishra, Banki College "Aesthetics of MArginality" E. Raja Rao, Berhampur University "Trends in Postcolonial Poetry" Bijoy K. Das, Ravenshaw College, Cuttack "The End of Deverbalization? The Display of Hybridity in Kosinski's _The Hermit of 69th Street," Amiya K. Patro, Vedvyas College, Rourkela "Shashi Tharoor in Postcolonial Perspective" Nila Shah, M. S. University, Baroda "Post (E)colonial Theory: An Enlightened Ontopology" Pramod Nayar, University of Kuvempu, Kerala "Representing the Marginalized: A Study of Mahasweta Devi's Short Stories," Anand Mahanand, M. S. University, Baroda Selected papers from the above list, together with other papers on the topic, will be published in a special issue of the _Journal of Contemporary Thought_ in the summer of 1999. Members of the Postcolonial list are invited to submit papers for consideration for publication in this issue. THE 1999 CONFERENCE ON POSTCOLONIALISM AND THE DISCOURSE OF MARGINALITY WILL BE HELD IN GOA (INDIA) IN DECEMBER. TENTATIVE DATES ARE 15-17. The conference is jointly sposored by the India Studies Program of the Louisiana State University in Shreveport (USA) and the Forum on Contemporary Theory at the M. S. University of Baroda (India). For further information please contact me at <> --- from list ---
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