Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 08:02:21 +3 Subject: 4th Other Connections Conference Dear Colleague, We are pleased to announce to you the 4th International Other Connections' Conference, to be held in Beirut between the 25th and the 28th of October, 1999. The conference, "Sites of Recovery: Architecture's (inter)disciplinary role", is dedicated to Architecture in its capacity to recover within a world conditioned by war and instability. 'Other Connections' is a loose collective of architects, academics and critics who live and work in places as diverse as Singapore, Turkey, South America, USA, India, Britain, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia and Lebanon. The aim of this group is to explore architectural and urban questions within the framework of postcolonial theory and criticism. Please check web site(below) for details and deadlines. We hope you will find the conference theme academically challenging and relevant to your research work and thus contribute to this academic forum through a paper, workshop, or exhibition proposal. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any inquiries. Thank you Marwan Ghandour, Mazen Labban, Mirjana Lozanovska Conference Committee Sites of Recovery email: web site: Marwan Ghandour Department of Architecture and Design American University of Beirut address: P.O.Box 11/0236 Beirut LEBANON or: 850 3rd avenue, 18th floor, NY 10022, New York USA e-mail: phone: +961 3 791 313 ext 3675/3660 Fax: +961 1 744 462 --- from list ---
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