Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 13:17:51 +0000 Subject: CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT Dear List, Please find below the details of a call for papers relating to a conference on Postcolonialism. Please think as widely as possible about the subject areas and do not be restricted in how you understand or adapt any of the terms. If you can e-mail this message to interested colleagues or post it on other listservs I would be very grateful. With thanks and best wishes, Mike Cronin. POSTCOLONIALISM, SPORT AND THE BODY call for papers An international conference to be co-hosted by De Montfort University Leicester and Keele University, and to be held in Leicester on 10 & 11 July 1999. =09 The conference aims to explore and reflect on the growing interdisciplinary interest in sports and postcolonialism. Offers of papers, from any discipline, are now requested. They are welcome in three main areas but others will be considered: (i) Post colonial sports (i.e. postcolonialism as content) (ii) Postcolonialism and its impact on sports and body culture (i.e. postcolonialism as epoch) (iii) Sport and postcolonial methodology, theory, discourse (i.e. postcolonialism as method) Offers of papers should be sent to: Dr Mike Cronin Professor John Bale Senior Research Fellow in History Professor of Sports Geography International Centre for Sports History Department of Education De Montfort University Keele University The Gateway Keele Leicester Staffordshire LE1 9BH ST5 5BG UK UK =09 The cost of the conference will be =A345, one night accommodation and food included. If you wish to register your interest in the conference, but do not wish to present a paper, please contact Mike Cronin at the above address. =09 --- from list ---
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