File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9901, message 45

Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 23:25:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Walcott

Dear Postcolonialist, 

Those with long memories might remember that I am writing a biography of
Derek Walcott. I have now reached 1994 and find that I have a notice that
April 18-19 he was at a Roethke Humanities Festival. I don't know what
university or where else this is. It has an Interfaith Chapel in Hogg
Hall, a Williams Center Auditorium, a Farinson Centre and a Pardee Hall.
What university is this? Thanks. Bruce King

ps. recent sightings during 1998 appreciated. I gather he was at Michigan
U but don't have information about why, when, what, who how what. More

       -AT-( o o)-AT-
        (  ^ )

Adele and Bruce King, 221 N. Alden Road, Muncie, IN 47304-3904, USA Phone:
765-282-3569; Fax 765-285-5877. From March 10-May 24: Ball State Flat
5,DD, Westminster College, North Hinksey, Oxford OX2 9AT, phone:
01865-253343 (e-mail  From May 24-July 10: chez
Rossetto, 11 rue des Tournelles, 75004 Paris, France, phone:

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