File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9901, message 46

Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 10:58:54 -0500
Subject: Re: Edward Said: Iraq: Clinton's Rampage

> >to fight should the French have declared war to free them? And when
> >freed of one evil leader another less than perfect leader usually arises
> >- Batista vs Castro - maybe castro is better but probably not good. The
> >Shaw vs the subsequent nuts. The King vs men like Stonewall Jackson.

Comparing Castro and Batista is like apples and oranges ... Castro is not
perfect, but has considerably less blood on his hands than, say, Clinton or
Chretien.  And his social reforms have been fantastic:  the country has a much
higher literacy rate than the americans, and health care and education systems
to be proud of.  Most surprisingly, the Cubans have achieved all of this while
under the vicious and unnecessary economic sanctions imposed by the US.  :)

Jean-Paul Connock

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