File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9901, message 59

Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 15:17:39 -0600 (CST)
Subject: RMMLA Conference Panel

Dear Colleagues,

	I am planning on putting together a special session at the annual
Conference of the Rocky Mountain MLA which meets this year in Santa Fe,
New Mexico. (October 14-16th 1999). The topic of the panel is "Reassessing
Postcolonial Studies" and I am interested in papers that frankly assess
the contribution that Postcolonial studies has or has not made,
particularly though not exclusively in the institutional spaces of the
U.S. academy. I already have commitments from two speakers and am looking
for two additional speakers. If you might be interested in presenting on
the panel, please email me privately at

	Please note that RMMLA does require all participants to be or
become members in any given year in which they appear on the Convention
Program. For further information on the RMMLA as well as on the
conference, please visit them at


Gaurav Desai
Department of English
Tulane University
New Orleans
LA 70118

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