File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9901, message 61

Subject: J. Med. Humanities
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 14:21:24 -0500

> *************CALL FOR PAPERS******************
> STUDIES manuscripts that reflect its enlarged focus on multidisciplinary
> inquiry into medicine and health care.  There are a great many sources
> across campus at the present time for theoretically sophisticated and
> critical writings on healthcare.  Unfortunately, there is no commonplace
> for this work.  The journal would like to serve that role.  
> Articles may come from a wide variety of disciplines and
> interdisciplinary activity -- e.g. humanities, disability studies,
> gender studies, africana studies, gay and lesbian studies, post-colonial
> studies, science studies, media studies, sociology, anthropology, and
> interpretive social science -- which can be used to examine the practice
> of
> healthcare, visual and cultural representations of healthcare, popular and
> clinical healthcare texts, healtcare education, etc. often with a focus on
> relations of power/knowledge.  This is not a special issue CFP, it is an
> ongoing change of focus for the journal.
> Inquiries to Brad Lewis, Cultural Studies Editor, University of Pittsburgh
> Cultural Studies Program, WPIC, 1835 Center Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219.
> E-mail:
> Also, check our webpage:
> Manuscripts should be typed, double spaced, on one side of the page, and
> submitted in triplicate (original and two copies) to the Editor: Dr.
> Delese Wear, Journal of Medical Humanities, Northeastern Ohio
> Universities College of Medicine, 4209 State Route 44, P.O. Box 95,
> Rootstown, Ohio 44272.  Manuscript should be 15-20 pages (occasionally,
> longer manuscripts are accepted).  An abstract of no more than 100 words
> should accompany the manuscript.  References should be cited and listed
> following the style used by either the American Psychological
> Association, 4th edition, or the Chicago Manual of Style (the
> author-date system rather than footnotes).

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