Subject: Hybrid Cultures, hybrid texts colloquium - Roehampton Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 18:45:40 -0000 ROEHAMPTON INSTITUTE Modern Languages Department ONE-DAY COLLOQUIUM SATURDAY, 27TH FEBRUARY, 1999 ============================================ HYBRID CULTURES, HYBRID TEXTS IN THE FRANCOPHONE AND HISPANIC WORLDS ============================================ PROGRAMME 09:15 - REGISTRATION AND COFFEE 10:00 - INTRODUCTION GILL RYE and ISABEL SANTAOLALLA 10:10 - SESSION 1 CATHERINE DAVIES (Manchester University): 'Cuban Hybridities: Fernando Ortiz and Lydia Cabrera.' JONATHAN CARR-WEST (UCL, London U.): 'Hybridity and the African Novel: Applications and Anxieties.' 11:30 - COFFEE-BREAK 11:45 - SESSION 2 LAILA IBNLFASSI (London Guildhall): 'Tahar Ben Jelloun's Hybrid Narrative.' JOSEP-ANTON FERNANDEZ (QMW, London U.): 'Journalism, Delegitimation and the Hybrid Text: Arcadi Espada's Contra Catalunya.' 13:05 -LUNCH-BREAK 14:15 - SESSION 3 FRANÇOISE VERGES (Sussex University): 'Métissage and Slavery: Contested Family Romances in the French Colonial Empire' PEDRO PÉREZ SARDUY (London): 'The Drama of Afro-Cubans: the Case of María Antonia.' 15:35 - TEA-BREAK 15:50 -SESSION 4 RIKKI MORGAN-TAMOSUNAS (Anglia University): 'The Folkloric "Other" in Spanish Cinema: a Contemporary Case-Study.' CARRIE TARR (Thames Valley University): 'Crossing Cultures: Contemporary Women Filmmakers and the Representation of (French) Women of Maghrebi Origin.' 17:10: ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION 17:45: CLOSE OF COLLOQUIUM ====================================================== REGISTRATION FORM Please return this FORM and your CHEQUE (payable to Roehampton Institute London) before FEBRUARY 12th 1999 to: Susan Johnson ;Department of Modern Languages; Roehampton Institute London, Roehampton Lane, London SW15 5PH Registration Fee (includes lunch and coffee/tea) - Standard £15 - Student Concessions: £ 7.50 Name-____________________________________________ Department (if any)_________________________________ Institution (if any) _______________________________ Address for correspondence ___________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Telephone nr: _________________________ E-Mail address________________________ Amount enclosed: £________ Vegetarian: YES / NO ========================================== FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Gill Rye or Isabel Santaolalla Dept of Modern Languages Roehampton Institute London RoehamptonLane London SW15 5PH Tel: 0181 392 3595 Fax: 0181 392 3578 E-Mails: ============================================================================================================================== --- from list ---
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