File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9901, message 68

Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 12:43:01 +0100
Subject: Request for help

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Dear postcolonial subjects, objects, scholars, significant others,
<P>your expertise could, I hope, help me with a task I am addressing rather
unsuccessfully at present: I am working on my MA thesis about the contact
of the mediaeval Teutonic Order with the the 'heathen' peoples of Prussia
and Lithuania. Since I am majoring in History, I am not too well acquainted
with all the literary theory about colonial discourse, but, feeling the
need for some theoretic foundation of my thesis, I want to try and use
some modern literary science in dealing with my sources (which are from
the 13th, 14th, and 15th century). Apart from Edward Saids "Orientalism",
I haven't found any really comprehensive work on the subject - and Said,
as I understand, is not only slightly dated, but also much debated.
<P>So here's my cry for help: is there some sort of reader out there on
(post)colonial literary science? Something like a handbook, summarizing
the consensus and naming the differences? 'Cause, you see, I can't go into
reading all those Saids, Bhabas, Fanons and Chatterjees and get entangled
in some sort of academic controversy which I can't oversee - I just need
something like a summary of the main theses that have been put forward.
<P>Thanks very much already - I'm optimistic that someone out there will
be able to help me!
<BR>Volker<A HREF=""></A>
<P><A HREF="">Homepage -AT- Bozo</A>
<BR><A HREF="mailto:">mail -AT- metropolis</A>
<BR><A HREF="mailto:">mail -AT- university</A>
<BR><A HREF="mailto:"></A> 
<P>P.S. (Oh, by the way, I'm German - so articles in some obscure North
American scientific magazine will probably not available to me. I read
German, English and French.)</HTML>

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