File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9901, message 82

Subject: Evolutionary Theory - Query
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 08:04:35 PST


I hope everyone understands the relevance of this question to 
Postcolonial theory.  Are there many Postcolonial critiques of 
evolutionary theory, both Darwinian and modern day?  The reason I ask is 
that I've been encountering a number of people lately who ascribe rather 
fervently to evolutionary theory, in spite of the rather obvious (to me 
at least) racist and colonial implications.  Does anyone on the list 
have any advice as to how to repond to these people in a way that might 
encourage them to rethink their position?  Or, can anyone recommend 
postcolonial critiques which deal with evolutionary theory specifically?  
Can anyone comment on the current state of evolutionary theory?  Thanks 
in advance for your time.


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