File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9901, message 83

Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 10:53:13 -0700
Subject: Re: Evolutionary Theory - Query

April, two references that come immediately to mind are a book that Said
refers to in _Culture and Imperialism_, Nancy Stepan's _The Idea of Race in
Science:  Great Britain, 1800-1960_ (Macmillan 1982) and Robert Young's
_Colonial Desire_.  I don't think this area has been entirely neglected by
postcolonialists and I'm sure there are many other sources of information.
Happy hunting!

At 10:14 AM 1/28/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I hope everyone understands the relevance of this question to 
>Postcolonial theory.  Are there many Postcolonial critiques of 
>evolutionary theory, both Darwinian and modern day?  The reason I ask is 
>that I've been encountering a number of people lately who ascribe rather 
>fervently to evolutionary theory, in spite of the rather obvious (to me 
>at least) racist and colonial implications.  Does anyone on the list 
>have any advice as to how to repond to these people in a way that might 
>encourage them to rethink their position?  Or, can anyone recommend 
>postcolonial critiques which deal with evolutionary theory specifically?  
>Can anyone comment on the current state of evolutionary theory?  Thanks 
>in advance for your time.
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Nancy E. Batty
Head, English
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Red Deer College
Box 5005
Red Deer, Alberta  T4N 5H5
(403) 342-3323		Fax (403) 340-8940

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