File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9901, message 9

Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 08:46:32 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Speakers' Series on Activism

***Please note that Panel #1 takes place this Friday, January 8****

Breaking New Ground in Alberta's Communities: A Public Forum on the Theory
and Practice of Activism

We are pleased to announce our speakers' series on activism and the academy
in Edmonton and Alberta. Our intention with this series is to link
Edmonton's and Alberta's activist network to the academic study of social
inequities. We hope to create a collaborative space that will enable a
dialogue across political struggles against racism, sexism, homophobia, and
class oppression. Our speakers' series takes up the questions: what is the
role of the intellectual in public struggles for social change? Is there a
connection between grassroots activism and academic work? How can radical
political action take place in the current corporatized environment, both in
the university and in the wider community? What are the political and
intellectual mandates for activism within and outside the academy? What does
activism look like in Edmonton and Alberta?

Each of our five panels is open to everyone. This will be a forum for
students, faculty, and members of the public and Edmonton's activist network
to discuss strategies for social change.

Attached is an outline of our program. Please forward this message to anyone who may
be interested in the series.

Thank you,

Sujaya Dhanvantari			Heather Smyth
482-3026				426-0698

Panel #1
Anti-Racism and Institutional Practices
January 8, 1999
3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Room L-3, Humanities Centre, University of Alberta

Confirmed speakers include Ashok Mathur, member of "Full Force," an
anti-racist organization at the University of Calgary; Aruna Srivastava,
professor in English at the University of Calgary; and members of the
Aboriginal Student Council, U of A.

Panel #2
Collective Action and Women's Organizations in Edmonton
January 27, 1999
3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Room 4-29, Humanities Centre, University of Alberta

Confirmed speakers include Jayanti Negi from the Indo-Canadian Women's
Association; Ione Challborn from WIN House women's shelter; Jacqueline
Dumas, owner of Orlando Books; and Tracy-Lynne MacLellan, student activist
and feminist at the University of Alberta.

Panel #3
Speaking Out Against Homophobia in Edmonton
February 10, 1999
3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Room 4-29, Humanities Centre, University of Alberta

Speakers include Delwin Vriend, who successfully challenged the
exclusion of sexual orientation from Alberta's Human Rights Code; Julie
Lloyd, co-counsel for the Canadian Bar Association's invervention on the
Vriend case before the Supreme Court of Canada; Darrin Hagen, performance
artist, writer, and Access TV host; and Kristy Harcourt, host of Gaywire,
the lesbian/gay/bisexual radio programme on CJSR FM 88.5, University of

Panel #4
Labour Activism and the Academy
February 24, 1999
3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Room 4-29, Humanities Centre, University of Alberta

Confirmed speakers include Julie Rak, union organizer and professor at the
University of Alberta; Eugene Plawiuk, moderator of electronic-mail bulletin
board "RadLeft"; and Doug Meggison, candidate for City Council, Edmonton,

Panel #5
Communicating Across Political Struggles
March 10, 1999
3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Room 4-29, Humanities Centre, University of Alberta

This panel will bring together speakers bridging various political movements
in Edmonton. Confirmed speakers include Jennifer Kelly, Educational Policy
Studies, University of Alberta, author of _Under the Gaze_, a study of
racism in Edmonton's high school system; and Patricia Foufas, member of
STORM, a student Marxist group at the University of Alberta.

This speakers series is generously funded by support from the Departments of
English and Political Science, the Women's Studies Programme, the Faculty of
Arts, the Shastri Committee, the Office of Human Rights, and the Prairie
Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Integration. 

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