File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9901, message 90

Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 13:20:15 -0500
Subject: Re: post/photo

You might want to look at the work of Christopher Pinny. He has an essay in
one of those two volumes of _Critical Inquiry_ edited by Homi Bhabha ('97?).
If I remember correctly, he has a book which just came out last year or was
due to come out. That he is based in England might mean he will give a
slightly different angle on things than those critics based in America you

--On Friday, January 29, 1999, 9:43 AM -0700 "philippe j alexandre"
<> wrote: 

> Hello everyone,
> Much has been said and written about the photography of National
> Geographic. I am interested in "postcolonial" photography, meaning how to
> bridge the gap between National Geo. photography and Native photo.? If you
> could help me with books, articles etc...I really would appreciated. The
> only theory that I am aware of is from Susan Sontag and Trinh t.Minh ha.
> Help???
> Philippe
>      --- from list ---

Tony Brown
Department of English
The State University of New York at Buffalo
Clemens Hall Rm. 306
Buffalo, NY 14260
U. S. A.

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