Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 10:49:35 -0800 (PST) Subject: Re:eelam To the best of my knowledge: Eelam is the Sri Lankan Tamil name for Sri Lanka which was later turned into Tamil eelam by the militant nationalists to denote the "traditional homeland" and now has come to be plain eelam, maybe in an efffort to inlcude Muslims. But still journals and writers use Eelam as Sri Lanka. In fact teh last time i was in Sri Lanka (last summer, '98) attending a workshop in Tamil, many used 'writers of Eelam' and to my query they said it meant Tamil writers in Sri Lanka. Of course this has a very "tamil" language connotation. there are long standing newspapers dating from the days before indenpendence that are called Eelanadu, Eelanatham (eelaland, Eela voice etc.). many fo them are part of preindenpendece nationalist phase. But i dont know where it comes from or whether it described any particular tamil speaking area earlier. Also lingustically i dont know what it means. sumathy --- from list ---
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