File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9906, message 20

Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 19:11:46 -0700
From: "Marlene R. Atleo" <>
Subject: Re: 'Star Wars' Character: Annoying Goofball or Racial   

There needs to be a lot more of this sort of analysis....Malcolm, Piali

I don't go to see these "Hollywood Blockbusters" because as a child in
school we were propagandized by the National Film Board of Canada...weekly....
So its a personal point of resistance....I have a hard time with most
Hollywood movies...they remind me of hymns....where the visual, the word
and the orchestrated emotion $ time....

I don't mind non commercial films because there is less of a tendency to do
but I think its got to be self serving....

the movie industry has orchestrated the psyche of North American for too
long time as far as I am concerned but North Americans LOVE
witnessed by the $ spent

There must be research about this stuff because they must use it to
construct characters....very few people would be able to "see" through the
liminal threshold....and so have these images impressed on them
and you are needs to be 'controversialized'


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