File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9906, message 3

Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 8:41:31 GMT
Subject: Re: 'Star Wars' Character: Annoying Goofball or Racial Stereotype

another thing i found interesting about the new star wars movie, regarding how linguistic and cultural stereotypes emerge, was how all of the characters who "sounded asian" 1) were bad guys, and 2) had no other cultural markers of being asian; whereas, the jedi, and the queen (or empress, or whatever) of Nadoo, who were white and with either british or american accents, had plenty of "asian" cultural markers.

it seems as though asian culture, in Lucas' world, is too good to leave for the asians in the movie.

just a thought,

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